
Greetings NRV Members and other Friends,

We at NRV Indivisible are working to engage in the 2024 Election and to assist others who want to be involved. It has been an incredible 3 weeks---before President Biden withdrew from the race we were all a bit nervous We are sending this out to just let you know how to get involved in this election. It will be a very close election and much is at stake. A group of us have been working on sharing more about Project 2025--and why Trump's potential win would be a disaster. We must do everything to promote the Harris-Walz ticket.

Below we have addressed the following issues:

Section 1: Organizing Information to Mobilize and Act

Section 2: Postcarding and Letter Writing Signups Handout

Section 3: Project 2025 - Background Information


SECTION 1: Organizing Information To Mobilize and Act

National Indivisible and Virginia Grassroots Info + Resources:

Letters to Editors and More

National Indivisible (NRV Indivisible is a local chapter):

• Its strengths: an effective national network of local groups, resources for local groups, and an

informed viable strategy

• Purpose: “In 2024, our democracy and personal freedoms are under direct assault by MAGA

forces.... Now is the time to act, join forces, and be part of a historic movement dedicated to

safeguarding our rights, our democracy, and our future.”

• Priority in 2024 is on swing states and districts

Current action projects and key resources -

• Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA -

o Sign up at:

o Neighbor2Neighbor project – doorknocking, including your local neighborhood

(gives you short list of selected names/addresses), and related outreach efforts – we

must confirm the doorknocking part is available for our local area –

o Phonebanking (specific current phonebank events):

• Indivisible Unpacked –

• Virtual training sessions on various topics –

• Local group resource library –

• Local group support hub –

• Truth Brigade: Fighting online disinformation –

Letters to editors – specific resources

• Primarily focused on changing the public conversation about the practical accomplishments

of the Biden administration

• Get started pages, with resources to draw on

o Templates (6 different suggested themes and resources for them) -

o Powering Progress toolkit guide (15 page PDF) –


o Write a Letter to the Editor Celebrating Healthcare Benefits in the Inflation Reduction

Act -


o Write a Letter to the Editor Celebrating Climate Investments in the Inflation

Reduction Act -


o Other LOE options – you may have to poke around the website a bit for them

Virginia Grassroots Coalition (NRV Indivisible is a member)

• Its strengths: Connects local and other progressive groups across Virginia, primarily focusing

on Virginia but also with selective support to other states; asource of a lot of useful

actionable info; informed leadership on grassroots campaign action and state government

• Sends out weekly action emails to liaisons, based on actions supported by member groups

• Monthly virtual Zoom meetings of statewide group liaisons

• Provides information to coordinate support for selected North Carolina elections –

canvassing, phonebanking, etc.

• Recognized by Virginia Democratic officeholders and candidates

• Dale Wimberley is the primary NRVI liaison – contact him for more,

Other key resources

• Swipe Blue relational organizing with people you are already in contact with – phone app,

doesn’t keep your contacts info unlike most other such apps/programs –

NRVI contact info

• Facebook public page:

• Facebook: private group – email NRVI to ask

• Email:

• Current coordinators (alphabetical order): Alexa Casey, Teresa Cassell (treasurer), Carola

Haas, Carol King, Mandy Swope, Angela Vikesland, Dale Wimberley


SECTION 2: Postcarding and Letter Writing Signups Handout

One of the most convenient and effective actions you can take is sending hand addressed and hand-written postcards or letters to encourage others to register, to vote, and or to inform them about key issues. There are several platforms that provide scripts and address lists.

If you sign up and request your own addresses, you can work in the comfort of your own home, or you can bring your addresses to group letter writing events. Below are some of NRVI leader’s favorite options.

We expect to have some postcarding projects sponsored by National Indivisible starting in September and may join a campaign with Working America, but in the meantime here are three ways you can get started now!

Postcards to Voters

This organization works to support individual campaigns. They are writing for special elections right now. You can request as few as 5 addresses, you must provide your own postcards and stamps. They can be blanks from the USPS pre-stamped, neutral cards, cardboard you decorate yourself, or get out the vote inspired cards from their Etsy shop. They provide the script, you write the script, address, and stamp. You mail within two days of getting the addresses. (As of July 9, the only current campaign is for a Florida school board election, but many folks helped us defeat Moms 4 Liberty here, so we’re glad to help out another district! There have been several special elections for congressional seats recently—we helped to get Tom Suozzi elected to fill George Santos old seat in February for example.)

1. Sign Up

o To sign up to become an approved writer with us, please email us at:

o We'll send you an email with instructions

2. Become an Approved Writer

o Write a practice postcard and email us a photo following instructions in the email

3. Approval

o Approved -We'll send you addresses and information on how to obtain additional


o Not Approved – You will receive an email detailing why and how to fix it

4. Request Addresses (using email or Slack)

5. Keep up with Current Campaigns (on Facebook or Twitter)

Postcards to Swing States

The minimum is 200 addresses. Mailing date is in October so you can start soon and write 10 or 20 a week and have them ready to mail at the correct time. Once you sign up they will mail you 200 postcards at no cost and provide the addresses and a script. You are responsible for providing the stamps. This is a project of the Progressive Turnout Project.

Key Information

We can help stop Trump and save democracy by writing postcards to millions of Democratic

leaning voters. This group sends FREE postcards - you provide the stamps.

 Sign up now at

 We’ll send you FREE postcards along with voter lists and instructions with proven messages;

you’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October

 You can pick from 11 key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

(sign-ups complete), North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Montana (sign-ups complete), Florida

and Texas

 Sign-ups for competitive House races in other states starts July 9 (list of districts)

Postcards One-Pager 2024 - a printable flyer with all the key detailsPostcards4VA


This is a group focused on Virginia elections run by some real dynamos. As of this week, they’ve

started writing campaigns for Karen Baker (CD 9), Eugene Vindman (CD7) and Missy Smasal (CD2).

They will likely have other campaigns as the season progresses. You can select to write only 1 or 2 cards at a time, up to several hundred, so an easy way to get started. They do require you to write a disclaimer about not funded by the candidate but by a volunteer on each postcard, so they can take a little longer to write than some. (I’ve thought about getting a stamp to use for these when doing a lot.)

To participate, follow the directions under Getting Started on their website, You will need to get an account, and then you can choose a campaign and start getting addresses and instructions. Some campaigns suggest you buy their cards from Vistaprint, others you must provide your own cards. You always pay for cards and postage.

Vote Forward

You sign up to get a list of addresses in batches of 20 or more. They send you a file that you print that includes 20 letters with a blank space for you to write your own message. You compose your own message following their guidelines (non-partisan, not mentioning specific parties or candidates), and then write that on each of the letters, address and stamp envelopes, and mail on assigned dates. Most of the mail dates will be in September or October. You must have a printer and provide envelopes and first-class letter stamps (which are pricier than postcard stamps).

Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that empowers grassroots volunteers to send

handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote.

What we do

Vote Forward’s flagship voter contact program trains and supports volunteers writing personal, heartfelt letters to potential voters with an easy-to-use online platform. The majority of our letter-writing campaigns are nonpartisan campaigns, supporting our core 501c(3) and 501c(4) social-welfare mission, which focus on mobilizing potential voters in communities that have historically been marginalized in the political process—such as people of color, women, and young voters. We also support 501(c)(4) partisan campaigns to encourage likely-Democratic voters to turn out in strategic states and districts.



Who wants to live in a Trump-Vance-MAGA Project 2025 America ???

(It’s pure “The Handmaid’s Tale” )


DEFEAT Project 2025 !!!

Project 2025 is a 920-page, step-by-step blueprint for overhauling the US government and revamping American society according to a “Christian Nationalist” vision. Project 2025 was developed by The Heritage Foundation—a powerful, elite, conservative “think tank.” If the measures outlined in Project 2025 go into effect (and these measures are fully supported by over 100 organizations in the Trump-Vance-MAGA movement), economic and social upheaval will be swiftly and painfully felt by major segments of the U.S. population. Middle-income families, poor people, and minorities will be especially hard hit by the radical changes.

Certainly, America is facing many serious issues. Policies related to almost every facet of life (taxes, health, law enforcement, social security, safety, labor relations, environment, education, immigration) need careful review and reform. Too much money goes to too many greedy self-interest groups on both the right and left wings. “Third party” candidates want a stronger voice

and more influence. But however imperfect, 260 years of U.S. political process has built a nation of wealth and freedom far better than so many other countries around the world. The Project 2025 scheme would unravel what progress has been hard-gained thusfar. America must focus on continuing to move forward with practical compromise and goodwill toward all citizens.

Project 2025 is the opposite of practical, reasonable change. It is most like strategies used in governments like Russia, China, Hungary, Venezuela or Nazi Germany. Project 2025 is an ideologically-driven master plan, a blueprint for re-engineering society from the top down. It charts a path that veers far off-course from the trajectory of freedom and prosperity that the Founding Fathers originally gave us via the Constitution.

The original U.S. Constitution provides for a balance of power among three branches of government. Project 2025 tips the scales to favor the Executive branch — the president, vice president, cabinet, and department officers. Congress and the Courts will be so weakened that these branches will not be able to prevent abuses of power by the Executives.

“Loyalty testing” is a prime example of a terrible abuse of power that will plague our society under Project 2025. The “loyalty testing” strategy involves mass firings throughout federal agencies. “Enemies lists” have been prepared by the Project 2025 authors. The so-called “enemies” will lose their jobs to be replaced by “loyalists” — individuals pre-screened and deemed acceptable to

Trump-Vance-MAGA leaders. This “sweep, screen, and replace” tactic will leave key federal agencies without proper management. The federal agencies that need to function really well for the common good (healthcare, taxation, education, etc.) will be run by political lackeys rather than by capable professionals.

As a whole, Project 2025 lurches our country in a direction that is foreign. Life under Project 2025 will feel stressful and strange, socially and economically chaotic. Radical change coming from a pumped-up Executive branch is not the American way and we won’t like it.

Defeat Trump-Vance MAGA and Project 2025.

Project 2025 is an over-reach, a power grab, and

upcoming generations will feel the whiplash.

Vote Democrat in 2024 to pave the way for positive change


Andra Watkins' substack posting from April 9th does a great job of explaining that this is not fantasy, but Republican-led states have been putting these policies into place already and electing Republicans to national offices would allow them to expand nationwide. See some of the examples below.

“When people tell you they haven’t heard of Project 2025, ask them these questions:

Have you heard of abortion bans?

Abortion is currently banned in 14 states. Four more states have contested or paused bans. Banning abortion nationwide is a stated goal of Project 2025.

Have you heard of attacks of IVF and contraception?

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos are “extrauterine children,” thus pausing IVF statewide. Multiple red states have proposed laws limiting IUDs and Plan B “morning after” pills. The Comstock Act would prohibit mailing of ANY contraceptive, including hormonal birth control and male condoms. Only 13 states and DC have enshrined the right to contraception in their state constitutions.

Project 2025 recommends attacking all of these avenues to “protect life from conception to natural death.”

Do schools in your area have book bans?

So far in 2024, Texas has banned more than 800 books. Florida is a close second with 566 banned titles. Tennessee ranks third with 349 banned books. Readers might be surprised at other states with book bans.

Project 2025’s goal to decimate anything the framers deem “pornographic” is a big driver of book bans. Red states are leading the charge to roll back access to books and information.”

Her main page is here,

Toolkit for Project 2025:

Other Helpful Videos on Project 2025:

SECTION 1: Organizing Information To Mobilize and Act

National Indivisible and Virginia Grassroots Info + Resources:

Letters to Editors and More

National Indivisible (NRV Indivisible is a local chapter):

• Its strengths: an effective national network of local groups, resources for local groups, and an

informed viable strategy


• Purpose: “In 2024, our democracy and personal freedoms are under direct assault by MAGA

forces.... Now is the time to act, join forces, and be part of a historic movement dedicated to

safeguarding our rights, our democracy, and our future.”

• Priority in 2024 is on swing states and districts

Current action projects and key resources -

• Project 2024: Majority Over MAGA -

o Sign up at:

o Neighbor2Neighbor project – doorknocking, including your local neighborhood

(gives you short list of selected names/addresses), and related outreach efforts – we

must confirm the doorknocking part is available for our local area –

o Phonebanking (specific current phonebank events):

• Indivisible Unpacked –

• Virtual training sessions on various topics –

• Local group resource library –

• Local group support hub –

• Truth Brigade: Fighting online disinformation –

Letters to editors – specific resources

• Primarily focused on changing the public conversation about the practical accomplishments

of the Biden administration

• Get started pages, with resources to draw on

o Templates (6 different suggested themes and resources for them) -

o Powering Progress toolkit guide (15 page PDF) –


o Write a Letter to the Editor Celebrating Healthcare Benefits in the Inflation Reduction

Act -


o Write a Letter to the Editor Celebrating Climate Investments in the Inflation

Reduction Act -


o Other LOE options – you may have to poke around the website a bit for them

Virginia Grassroots Coalition (NRV Indivisible is a member)

• Its strengths: Connects local and other progressive groups across Virginia, primarily focusing

on Virginia but also with selective support to other states; asource of a lot of useful

actionable info; informed leadership on grassroots campaign action and state government


• Sends out weekly action emails to liaisons, based on actions supported by member groups

• Monthly virtual Zoom meetings of statewide group liaisons

• Provides information to coordinate support for selected North Carolina elections –

canvassing, phonebanking, etc.

• Recognized by Virginia Democratic officeholders and candidates

• Dale Wimberley is the primary NRVI liaison – contact him for more,

Other key resources

• Swipe Blue relational organizing with people you are already in contact with – phone app,

doesn’t keep your contacts info unlike most other such apps/programs –

NRVI contact info

• Facebook public page:

• Facebook: private group – email NRVI to ask

• Email:

• Current coordinators (alphabetical order): Alexa Casey, Teresa Cassell (treasurer), Carola

Haas, Carol King, Mandy Swope, Angela Vikesland, Dale Wimberley


SECTION 2: Postcarding and Letter Writing Signups Handout

One of the most convenient and effective actions you can take is sending hand addressed and hand-written postcards or letters to encourage others to register, to vote, and or to inform them about key issues. There are several platforms that provide scripts and address lists.

If you sign up and request your own addresses, you can work in the comfort of your own home, or you can bring your addresses to group letter writing events. Below are some of NRVI leader’s favorite options.

We expect to have some postcarding projects sponsored by National Indivisible starting in September and may join a campaign with Working America, but in the meantime here are three ways you can get started now!

Postcards to Voters

This organization works to support individual campaigns. They are writing for special elections right now. You can request as few as 5 addresses, you must provide your own postcards and stamps. They can be blanks from the USPS pre-stamped, neutral cards, cardboard you decorate yourself, or get out the vote inspired cards from their Etsy shop. They provide the script, you write the script, address, and stamp. You mail within two days of getting the addresses. (As of July 9, the only current campaign is for a Florida school board election, but many folks helped us defeat Moms 4 Liberty here, so we’re glad to help out another district! There have been several special elections for congressional seats recently—we helped to get Tom Suozzi elected to fill George Santos old seat in February for example.)

1. Sign Up

o To sign up to become an approved writer with us, please email us at:

o We'll send you an email with instructions

2. Become an Approved Writer

o Write a practice postcard and email us a photo following instructions in the email

3. Approval

o Approved -We'll send you addresses and information on how to obtain additional


o Not Approved – You will receive an email detailing why and how to fix it

4. Request Addresses (using email or Slack)

5. Keep up with Current Campaigns (on Facebook or Twitter)

Postcards to Swing States

The minimum is 200 addresses. Mailing date is in October so you can start soon and write 10 or 20 a week and have them ready to mail at the correct time. Once you sign up they will mail you 200 postcards at no cost and provide the addresses and a script. You are responsible for providing the stamps. This is a project of the Progressive Turnout Project.

Key Information

We can help stop Trump and save democracy by writing postcards to millions of Democratic

leaning voters. This group sends FREE postcards - you provide the stamps.

 Sign up now at

 We’ll send you FREE postcards along with voter lists and instructions with proven messages;

you’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October

 You can pick from 11 key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

(sign-ups complete), North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio, Montana (sign-ups complete), Florida

and Texas

 Sign-ups for competitive House races in other states starts July 9 (list of districts)

Postcards One-Pager 2024 - a printable flyer with all the key detailsPostcards4VA


This is a group focused on Virginia elections run by some real dynamos. As of this week, they’ve

started writing campaigns for Karen Baker (CD 9), Eugene Vindman (CD7) and Missy Smasal (CD2).

They will likely have other campaigns as the season progresses. You can select to write only 1 or 2 cards at a time, up to several hundred, so an easy way to get started. They do require you to write a disclaimer about not funded by the candidate but by a volunteer on each postcard, so they can take a little longer to write than some. (I’ve thought about getting a stamp to use for these when doing a lot.)

To participate, follow the directions under Getting Started on their website, You will need to get an account, and then you can choose a campaign and start getting addresses and instructions. Some campaigns suggest you buy their cards from Vistaprint, others you must provide your own cards. You always pay for cards and postage.

Vote Forward

You sign up to get a list of addresses in batches of 20 or more. They send you a file that you print that includes 20 letters with a blank space for you to write your own message. You compose your own message following their guidelines (non-partisan, not mentioning specific parties or candidates), and then write that on each of the letters, address and stamp envelopes, and mail on assigned dates. Most of the mail dates will be in September or October. You must have a printer and provide envelopes and first-class letter stamps (which are pricier than postcard stamps).

Vote Forward is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization that empowers grassroots volunteers to send

handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote.

What we do

Vote Forward’s flagship voter contact program trains and supports volunteers writing personal, heartfelt letters to potential voters with an easy-to-use online platform. The majority of our letter-writing campaigns are nonpartisan campaigns, supporting our core 501c(3) and 501c(4) social-welfare mission, which focus on mobilizing potential voters in communities that have historically been marginalized in the political process—such as people of color, women, and young voters. We also support 501(c)(4) partisan campaigns to encourage likely-Democratic voters to turn out in strategic states and districts.

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