Simplify and Enjoy

Need an Extra $5K in Your Pocket?

Learn how to find, save, and earn more money in this free email course!

Learn how to find, save, and earn more money in this free email course!

If you're like most families here in the Simplify and Enjoy community, you're aware of the big money moves you need to make:

  • pay off unnecessary debt 
  • stash away a financial cushion, and
  • invest for your future. 

The question you probably have, though, is - Where do we get the money to do that?! 

If there were extra money laying around, you'd already be using it. This is where the 5 Days to $5K program can help. 

It's designed to take you through step by step how you can optimize your current budget, save money by getting the best deals, and earn extra cash on the side. 

We've used many of these same strategies and tactics to pay off $90,000 of debt! Plus I've included new ideas and tips based on what's worked for the families I've interviewed on the podcast who hit their FI goals or are well on their way.

These lessons also share how you can automate your money so you can achieve your goals faster! 

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