[TWL 2.0] Will You Like To Sponsor A Lady? 💸

Feb 23, 2022 8:01 am


My dear Afrocentric Queen ,

Will you like to sponsor a lady to the Tourism Women Luncheon?

Here is why I ask...

One of the major aims of hosting the luncheon is to create mentorship opportunities between female youngsters and veterans in the industry.

With the number of requests I get for advice and to coach existing and upcoming female tourism professionals, I saw a gap in the tourism mentorship space.

And one way I believe you can contribute to this gap is by sponsoring a young lady to attend our hangout...yes it is a hangout, o! *winks*

Let me share a testimony from one of our youngsters who attended the maiden edition...


, if you are led to sponsor a lady to our hangout please do save her seat with the link below:


Don't forget to save yours too if you haven't already.

Truly looking forward to hosting you and other Afrocentric queens that day, *smiles*

Till then, live life to the fullest 💜

Your Afrocentric Host,

Ajala Nene image

P/S: Remember to save your seat and if you desire, sponsor a lady here: https://paystack.com/buy/tourism-women-luncheon-2022
