Read Deeply to Write with Power

Sep 23, 2023 4:02 pm

Hey there! Reading and writing go hand in hand. To write deeply, power read. Yep, you know it. Read deeply to write with power.

πŸ“š Read. Dive deep into a wide range of books. Explore different genres, explore authors from all over the world, and soak up their unique perspectives. There's something to be learned from every page.Whether the writing is gilded, good, bad or indifferent, let the words you've read conjure up a word or an image in your own mind. Write about that. Write about where these words have led you.

πŸ‘‹Here's the thing about writing stories that should give you hope: you have the power to write. . Sure, teachers, classes, and peers can provide valuable mentorship and encouragement if you need it. But ultimately, it's up to you. In those solitary hours (and let's face it, writing is mostly a lonely endeavor), it's all about you and your words.

In fact, it's all about you and your writing. No one else has the power to write what you write. Only you have that power. If you've been waiting for permission, I give it to you here and now. In fact, I command you to write!

So, here's my advice for all aspiring writers out there:

πŸ“ Write. A lot. Seriously, a LOT. The more you write, the better you'll get. Practice makes craft, makes ideas, makes magnitudes of luscious words, right?

✍️ Write for yourself. Don't worry about expensive courses or what others might think. Write for the pure joy of it, and let your creativity flow.

Now, you might be wondering why I'm telling you all this. Well, it's because I genuinely believe that you need to get your words out their l. And I want to encourage you to share your those poems, lists, essays, recipes, thoughts and stories with the world right now.

Whether you're an experienced writer or just starting out, your voice matters. Your stories matter. And hey, who knows? You might just surprise yourself with what you create. Create something today.

So, let's enjoy this writing journey together, shall we? Let's unleash our imaginations, explore new worlds, and create something truly magical.

Oh, and one more thing: I highly recommend allowing yourself to write about animals and the world we all share. Animals can add a playful touch to your writing. πŸ˜‰ (and your day.)

Here's my poem, click on the word to read: Turtle

Keep writing, keep reading, and keep dreaming big!

Happy storytelling,

JoNelle Toriseva
