what's with the title?

Feb 02, 2023 7:43 pm

Hello fellow reader,

Things have been busy around here!

Last week I participated in the NYC Midnight Short Story contest. They gave me a genre, a character and a theme that all had to be included in a 2500 word story. And I had to write in within a week’s time.

Fun! I managed to get an idea and write it all out, edit it and send it off. In two months’ time, (the waiting is the worst part) I will find out if I get to go on to the next round or if I’m out. Either way, I love that contest. It always makes me dig deep for a new story. Last year I get eliminated in the second round, but sold the first round story to Funny Pearls. They gave me Political Satire as the genre, a director as the character and now..... I can’t remember the theme. But you can read it on the link above. Enjoy!

I have also finished my manuscript AND decide to change the title to Bended Loyalty. I just wasn’t feeling Cornered. It felt too much like a suspense or thriller, and my manuscript is a modern coming-of-age with a sprinkled of adventure beats.

Titles are important, but for me, they are hard to settle on. I almost never find the right title until I’m done writing the book. People have different theories about choosing the title. Some writers won’t start writing the book until they have the perfect title, but that just wouldn’t work for my creative process!

For now, the manuscript is going to an editor while I work on the sequel. I want them both to come out in the Kickstarter together and then they will come out separately on Amazon and the likes. But before summer, I’m planning on taking readers to help me with reviews for the Kickstarter. I’ll remind all of you wonderful readers when that time comes!


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