Where do you get ideas for your stories?

Mar 30, 2023 5:31 pm

Hello fellow reader,

I asked David Rocklin that question this week on my podcast Pencils&Lipstick. He had an interesting answer, though not surprising to me. His stories started out from a certain idea one from a premise and another from a character and from there they grew and grew until they became something else entirely.

That happens to many writers, including me.

My historical fiction Stepping Across the Desert started by learning about Cervantes being taken by Barbary pirates as well as the fact that Europeans could sell their children for some money (and to be rid of a mouth to fill). Which led to me thinking about a story that might include a woman taken by pirates, which led to Rowena being sold by her maid in Norther Africa.

It was a long an twisted road to get to Rowena making her way back to England and learning that her past didn't define her if she didn't let it. Even after I had her developed, between babies and moving across the world, the book took me another two years to write and then another to edit and publish. Phew!

The funny thing is, Rowena's story is set in 1832, long after the Barbary pirates were gone. Why? Because that was the year England abolished slavery in her colonies (although the law set slavery to expire in seven years, so really slavery ended in 1839 in her colonies. Worse still, the children were set free in 1832 so the parents, still enslaved, usually had to pay for childcare.) Even though the idea of the book came from the Barbary pirates, I thought the story would mean more setting it against the backdrop of abolition in England.

Sometimes the seed looks nothing like the flower! You can listen to how David Rocklin developed his stories here.

If you would like to check out Stepping Across the Desert you can buy directly from me or you can find it on Amazon, Barnes&Noble or Kobo.


It's spring now, which means you might need a few more books. And if historical fiction isn't your thing or you've already read Stepping Across the Desert, I've got you covered.

First for you cozy mystery fans, there is an author newsletter promotion going on! Remember, this means you're signing up for their author newsletter when you download their free book.


Check them out here

And for those of you who like strong female characters in historical fiction, there's a sale going on. (Usually you won't have to sign up for their newsletter, but each author does this their own way.)


Get one here

Have an awesome eastern everyone!

