movie vs books: do you read and watch the same genres?

Aug 18, 2022 7:01 pm

Dear ,

This past week I've had three days of no kids and no husband. It's like finding a unicorn ...and at first I wasn't sure what to do with this gift.

Then it hit me: write, paint the laundry room and catch up on some movies that I like but my husband never wants to watch.


The laundry room is now white with a green accent wall.

My new novel Outside the Ring now has four new or rewritten chapters. (Yay for getting my finger on what was missing. Boo for rewrites when it isn't even editing time yet!)

And I watched three movies:

First, Snow White and the Huntsman (because, um, I love Chris Hemsworth) but it wasn't even worth finishing. It just got so boring. Right around when the white stag comes around and then Snow finally "dies" and yet it still isn't over ...ugh. Even Chris isn't worth my time on that one.

The next night I switched Snow out for Extraction with, you guessed it, Chris Hemsworth. (...maybe this is why my husband doesn't like watching these with me?....). This movie is an almost perfect Hero's journey. Tyler (Chris) has to extract a kid from kidnappers and of course everything goes wrong. It had a few interesting twists. Like the kid is the son of a mobster, so some would say not worth saving. There are other orphans from the streets of Dhaka involved whose lives just suck, forcing them to work with a mobster. And the end has an interesting twist. It had a hard time deciding if the ending was satisfactory. I'm still not sure. I do think it would be a difficult ending to have in a book. It's the kind only a movie can have. But anyway, I liked all the imperfect characters and seeing the consequences of their decision making.

To round it off my days along, I watched The Gray Man. No Chris Hemsworth, but it does star Ryan Gosling, so I had no trouble keeping my eyes on the screen. Lol. Anyway, once again there is a kid who needs to be rescued. I enjoyed contemplating the kind of love and devotion that can develop between two people unrelated. That love delves much deeper in The Gray Man and is only touched on in Extraction, but both movies explored how far a man will go to allow one child to live. Interesting how different stories can be while still digging into the same human condition, no?

The only reading I did this last week was for work. A very interesting fantasy YA novel by a very talented first-time author. I'm excited to help her get this out into the world. She's done all the hard work and now we're working together to make sure it's tweaked as close to it's perfect as possible. When she gets it published, and I'm confident she will, I'll let you all know about it.


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Before I head out to do more writing (movie watching has sadly come to an end. It's time to work!) I want to share a book with you. As an Indie Author I have the privilege of collaborating with other authors to share their books with my newsletter list.

This week I am swapping book promotions with author Laura Wells who has a historical time-travel romance. Check out Theia: Reunited in the Highlands here for free!

And if you like the book be sure to leave Laura a review:)


Get Theia here

Until next week!

Keep reading,

