What do you read? And a giveaway

Mar 09, 2023 4:02 pm

Hello fellow reader,

First for the giveaway because ti goes into what I want to ask you.

There is a Christian book giveaway running over at AuthorsXP.com (http://AuthorsXP.com/giveaway). You know I love AuthorsXP because not only does one person win the whole bunch of books, but then each book is giveaway to 1 winner as well. It just make it so much more fun for everyone because the chance of winning something is that much higher!

Now, I am a very eclectic reader. In the past year I've read a historical romance, a family drama, a book from the 60s, a memoir and a thriller.

But I want to know what you read. I know you all love getting author collaborations and giveaways, but if I know what your genres are, I can tag you specifically with those genres and not fill your inbox with the ones you don't read.

Filing out this really quick form (https://forms.gle/twREN3mmu8yWKp3v5) will help me curate emails to you. Plus, I would LOVE to just know what you love reading.

Right now I'm reading Apocalypse Baby by Virginia Delepuente which is described as a noir mystery but also as a feminist literary novel. What? Genres are hard even for traditional publishers to figure out! At any rate, I like it. It's weird and interesting and I love it.

What are you reading?


Don't forget to get in on the giveaway! http://authorsxp.com/giveaway

Are you a writer? You should sign up for my writers email.

Happy reading!

