Preorder: New Wing Chun Ebook by Smart Research


This revolutionary book reveals the errors of mainstream Wing Chun instructions and provides readers with the solution to do Wing Chun correctly, backed by scientific research and evidence. Unlock the secrets of Wing Chun and discover the true power of this martial art!


This e-book is the rework of Wing Chun Kuen Awakening Book 1 and 2, and additional stuff has been added to it. Instead of buying 2 books, you will get the full information about our disclosure of Wing Chun in 1 book.

To get your discount code to purchase the subscription to this book (rent), enter your email address and details, and confirm the subscription to our mailing list in your inbox. You will receive an email alert with the discount code once this book is ready for purchase.

Note: The title and subtitle may change. The book is in the making.

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