SEO doesn't have to be technical

Aug 23, 2023 4:44 pm

Hey ,

I'm going to get right to the point with today's message:

SEO doesn’t have to be technical. It’s not this complicated thing that lives in code and that only a coder would understand…

Over the years I’ve worked with a lot of clients. The funny thing is how many of these clients have assumed that SEO is technical. I've heard from clients who worked with an agency that wouldn't tell them what they did “behind the scenes,” because it’s very complicated and they wouldn’t understand...

I even had a client who believed that if he didn’t keep me on retainer, the SEO would “stop working”…

All of this is a myth.

SEO can be easy. But it takes some time to learn and truly understand.

If you’ve avoided SEO because you’ve heard it’s “technical,” let me know below, I’d love to hear what you’ve heard and what you think!

