⭐️ 2022 So Far... #The-Indiana-Jones-Ride-at-Disneyland ⭐️

Feb 13, 2022 2:01 pm


Previous newsletters can be found here


Welcome to M.C. Solaris’ February Newsletter

Hiiii! :)

Does anyone else’s 2022 feel like the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland so far? 

I had plans… Lots of plans. Good plans. Solid plans. Somewhat ambitious and adventurous plans. Buuuuut the “magic of life,” as the species world calls it, had other plans for me this year apparently.

Anyone else relate?

Not to worry though, it’s all good things! Just a lot of things.

PS, I’m being deliberately vague with what the giant boulder-crashing plans were exactly because, although y’all know I’m an open book, sometimes I do feel like keeping a couple of things close to my heart until (or if) I feel called to share. I feel like that can help alleviate additional pressures and expectations in case things don’t pan out. But I will say that you’ll find out about one of the things very soon. Aaaand it’s not what you think—it’s not a romance book. (I know, boo! Lol ;) )

Anywho, how is it that each time I clear my plate of To-Do’s, mountains of food pile right back on top?

Again, anyone else relate to this magical plate-filling trick?

But like I said, it’s all good things on my plate and things that I definitely piled on myself. Lol!

Sometimes, I can feel overwhelmed when giant (unexpected) projects fall into my lap, especially at the beginning of the journey. But along the way, I constantly remind myself to take deep breaths and walk one small step at a time. Progress, however “small” it may seem, is still progress!

So, it looks like 2022 is going to be a year of endurance, pacing, balance, adventure, ambition, play, fun, and, of course, heart! (Because “heart” is my 2022 theme word ;) ). 

Happy Valentine’s Day or Single’s Day or Devour All The Chocolate & Sweets Day or however you choose to celebrate (or not)! ;)

PS: I’m secretly hoping my boo bear will make me his chocolate-covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. They are delish! You think I should drop a hint or see if he thinks of it on his own? ;) 



M.C. Solaris


PS: Don’t forget to make sure the email address mcsolaris@mcsolaris.com is SAVED AS ONE OF YOUR CONTACTS so these newsletters don’t get caught in your spam/promotions folder.







Have you heard about Midnight Magic? :)

A gaggle (felt like a fun word to use here, so we’re going with it lol!) of indie authors and I are offering you 20+ brand new PNR & Urban Fantasy tales for just 99 CENTS

Caswell Convict (Clyde & Maddie’s story) will be featured in this limited edition multi-author box set collection. Pre-Order Midnight Magic here

PS: If you’re like, “Wait, time out! Who’s Clyde?”

He’s the lion shifter in Rhyker’s Key and he’s a part of the Caswell Pride aaaand yes, we get to meet some of the most powerful members of the pride in Clyde’s story! 

(Helloooo Caleb Caswell, AKA The Lion King, AKA alpha of the pride!)


PPS: If you haven't yet tried the Orion’s Order series, you can dive in at Calypso’s Heart (book 1) and then immediately continue on to Rhyker’s Key (book 2) and Deacon’s Star (book 3)! 



I’m engaged!!!

*cue the Here Comes The Bride song*

I’ve just been feeling all the feels and have so much bursting free from my heart and soul! :)

It’s funny how I, a writer who tends to write many, many words (too many words at times ;) ), am currently finding the concept of words a bit difficult.

I’m also an extremely private person, so sharing our special moment has been exciting but also a bit vulnerable. 

Sooooo, I’m going to keep this section short for now but I’ll likely keep sharing snippets and pieces as we march our way along the wedding journey. :) 

Plus, there is a funny story behind the proposal, and even when I put the ring on my finger (maybe I'll share in the next newsletter or on social media? I feel like this newsletter is already getting long as it is. ;) ). 

Speaking of social media, if you want to see more of the captured moment (pics and videos), you can check it out on my Instagram or FB page.

Oh, and PS, I find it fitting that I actually wrote the very first part of this newsletter prior to the proposal! Indiana Jones Ride got me again! ;)






By M.C. Solaris

“What the—” Maddie bit back the curse.

The F-bomb was apparently too stunned to complete the two words it typically liked to accompany.

Okay, but seriously. What in the actual Fig Newton?

And Fig Newton? Who knew... She hated the things really, but it was what came to mind. 

How else was she supposed to respond to the message she’d just received? She promptly took a screenshot of it and sent it to her best friend Jen, who instantly replied.

Jen: OMG! Did he literally just send you the emojis that represent sex and orgasm along with a question mark?!

Maddie: Yup. That’s it.

As soon as she sent the text, her phone announced an incoming call.

“Like there was nothing before the message? Not even a ‘Hi, how are you?’” Jen said, ironically plowing through the ‘Hi, how are you?’ that usually happened when someone called someone else.

But this wasn’t just someone. It was Jen. And they’d been best friends for so long that it surprised them they weren’t able to telepath one another. Okay, that wasn’t even possible for them, but if it were, they were sure it would happen to them by BFF default.

“Yup. Not even a ‘Hi, how are you?’” Maddie confirmed with a smile. “But wait, it gets better.”

“Oh no.”

“Don’t sound so excited, Jen,” Maddie playfully chided. They both loved to cheerfully commiserate and laugh over what her dating life had turned into.

“I’m sorry, Mads,” Jen laughed.

“Yeah, sounds like you’re real sorry there.” Maddie grinned, sarcasm dripping from her words.

“Okay, so tell me how it gets better.”

Maddie could imagine Jen’s wide, wide smile and eyes dancing with anticipation. She shared the following screenshots.

Kyle: You’re hot. Wanna fuck?

Jordan: Dayum, you’re a fine as fuck female. And I’m lookin’ for a fine lady just like you.

Eddie: Hi. I’m gonna be honest. I suck at this.

“Oh, that’s not bad,” Jen commented honestly between the tears.

“I know right?” Maddie said and then read the rest of the exchange.

Maddie: Hi Eddie. I hear you. I’m not so good at this myself. And to continue with the honesty, I have to say your message is refreshing.

Eddie: Thank you. You know what else is refreshing?

Maddie: What?

Eddie: The taste of your pussy as you come on my tongue over and over again before I fuck you to oblivion and beyond.

“OH MY GOD! NO! NO HE DIDN’T!” Jen freaked out in a burst of laughter.

“Oh, yes he did.” Maddie tried not to laugh but failed miserably. “Along with a picture of his tongue and then his dick.”

Jen lost her shit for several minutes.

“You wanna hear more?”

“Is that even a question?” Jen was absolutely giddy, all but ready to sit back and stuff her face with popcorn.

Pyrone: D—

“Hang on, his name is Pyrone?”


“Oh god, this is gonna be good.”

Maddie laughed. “You say that about all of them.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I hate you. You know that, right?” Maddie snickered, her words holding zero heat.

“Yeah, yeah.” Jen tossed the playfully dismissive retort right back. “Now tell me about Mr. Pyrone.”

Pyrone: Do you know what my name means?

Maddie: No.

Pyrone: It’s a chemical compound and I need your O to complete me.

“I don’t get it,” Jen said. “I mean, I get the whole ‘O’ reference, but…”

“Yeah, I didn’t get it at first either. I had to look it up. Apparently, oxygen is a crucial element to the chemical compound’s structure or something. So, here’s how I responded.”

“Oh my god! You responded?!” Jen was straight-up crying she was laughing so hard.

Maddie: Clever. But with me, you’re getting N and O. In that order.

Pyrone: Th—

“Wait, he responded?!” Jen’s voice was barely more than a squeak of air.

Pyrone: That’s the best rejection I’ve had yet. You sure you don’t wanna complete me with your O? I’d give you many, many O’s.

“What in the hell?” Jen’s voice was more hilarity than anything at this point.

“I don’t know, Jen. I don’t know. But yes, there is one more.”

“More?! Oh, this is great! We need to save these and make a book one day. I bet you we’d make millions. And I mean, hey, at least Pyrone was going to be a gentlemale and give you many, many O’s.”

“Yes, such a gentlemale…”

Sol: T—

“His name is Sol? Does that mean he’s a steorrian?” Jen inquired way too enthusiastically, getting all Sherlock Holmes with the name being star-related, which everyone knew was a common tradition among steorrians since their abilities were rooted in the stars.

“Juuust wait,” Maddie said, knowing that would become very clear in a moment.

Sol: Twinkle twinkle little star. Let’s have sex in the bar. Up above the chair so high. Down below you’re wet inside. Twinkle twinkle little star. Let’s have sex in the bar.

“A poem. Steorrian—called it!”

Maddie waited a good long minute for the line to clear enough before she said, “You want to know how I responded?”

“Oh my god! You responded to this one too?!” Jen barely managed to get the words out.

Maddie: Up above my fist does fly. Down below I wish you bye. Twinkle twinkle creepy star. Please just leave in your car.

“Ohhhh, Maddie!” Another round of Jen losing her shit ensued. “And so violent. I love it!

“And no, I don’t want to divulge just how long it took me to formulate that response either.”

Jen kept on howling, which was fitting, seeing as her friend was a wolf shifter.

“I’m so glad my misery and sucky and nonexistent love life brings you so much joy,” Maddie said in jest.

Copyright © 2022 by M.C. Solaris


Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed getting a tiny glimpse into our spunky heroine and Clyde’s love interest, Maddie, and her hilarious and howling BFF! ;) 







A hapless witch, a newbie vampire, a blind date... what could possibly go wrong?

Witch Harper Clarke is pretty sure misfortune follows her around like a bad smell. Her spells end in disaster, her dating agency for supernaturals has an embarrassing lack of clients, and her love life is a washout. So, when a vampire signs up to the agency and she can’t find him a match, she agrees to date the vamp herself.

Charmer Damon Vertefeuille has it all: power, status, and wealth. Becoming a vampire to get his errant brother out of trouble isn’t what he expected. Newbie vamps aren’t supposed to be dangerous, but one look at his witchy date and he has a sudden desire to sink his fangs into her pale flesh.

Thing is, she wants his bite.

Chemistry sizzles, but when Damon’s brother threatens to tear them apart, the lines blur between loyalty, love, and dark desires.

Download Dating a Vampire FOR FREE Here


***99 CENT EBOOK***

The runes are cast, the rituals prepared. Now it's time to break the rules...

The runes are cast, the rituals prepared. Now it's time to break the rules...

Fall under the spell of swoon-worthy supernatural heroes and magical heroines in fantastical worlds filled with dangerous adventures and epic romances.

Witches, Wizards, Shifters, Vampires, Demons, Devils, and other mythical creatures prowl the pages of this limited edition collection of paranormal romance and urban fantasy tales.

Scroll up and secure your copy of BRAND NEW, unforgettable stories from your favorite USA Today bestselling authors and exciting up-and-coming talent before it’s gone forever!

Download Rituals & Runes for 99 CENTS Here


Vengeance led him to love, but will it destroy him, too?

Vengeance keeps ’Topian Edwin Mysk from surrendering to the pain of the destruction of his home world and the loss of the genmate he might have had. One day the Xeno Consortium will know his wrath. Until then, he will pursue his self-imposed mission to locate and reunite the massacre survivors.

 When he lands on Laxiter 4, he finds the ’Topian settlement abandoned, except for a lone woman. Lala. Their immediate, intense bonding proves she’s his genmate, the one female his genetics have chosen for him—the one he’d believed lost forever. With Lala at his side, he resumes his search for the others.

 But Lala is not the ’Topian he thinks she is. She’s a shapeshifting Xeno, a disgraced former general in the consortium military wrongly convicted of helping ’Topian insurgents escape annihilation. Edwin Mysk offers her best chance to locate the escapees and receive a stay of execution—as long as he doesn’t discover her secret.

 Will the gulf between hatred and love, despair and desire, prove too wide for them to cross? Is their genmate bond a tragic mistake?



I've single handedly destroyed hundreds of demons to defend our cause. . . and now I'm falling for one.

I'm Vero, champion of Heaven's last great battle against Hell. Only remaining pupil of the deceased archangel, Michael. 

For fifty years I've protected my people, other unfortunate Earthbound angels, from soulless zombies and furious demons who've taken over Earth after the pearly gates were slammed closed with us on the outside.

But everything changes when a cocky, arrogant demon named Akmon shows up outside our stronghold. I mistake him for an angel and save his life, creating a magical debt-bond between us. The demon is forced to stay by my side until he repays the favor. . .but he has other plans.

Akmon abducts me to solve our debt-bond problem his own way.

Between running from demons who want to kill me to free Akmon from his debt, and uncovering his dark past that obligates me to kill him, I find I'm helpless to the attraction simmering between me and the silver-tongued demon.

His devilish wiles and inescapable beauty - after all, he was the demon to seduce Eve- begins to blur my ability to distinguish the line between 'light' and 'dark'. I'm falling for Akmon. . .even though that means forfeiting my soul.

And when a familiar face from my past crops up to reveal the shocking truth about Heaven’s gates —a truth that will destroy angel, demon, and zombie, alike—I will do anything to ensure our salvation. . .including destroying everything that I used to hold dear.

TETHERED REDEMPTION is a stand alone DARK urban fantasy romance with a smoldering bisexual demon and a kick-butt warrior angel. HEA guaranteed!

Claim Tethered Redemption Here!



A bunch of authors and I have teamed up for the February Pre-Order Event to share our romance stories on pre-order with you. Snag all of our pre-orders here! :)










