⭐️ 2021 Recap & 2022 Theme Word ⭐️

Jan 09, 2022 2:01 pm


Previous newsletters can be found here


Welcome to M.C. Solaris’ January Newsletter

Hello and Happy New Year! :) 


For many of us, this time of year is a natural period of reflection and intention/goal-setting.

In 2021, my theme word was BALANCE.


Balance between work and play. 


Balance between healthy and indulgent foods. 


Balance between exercise and rest.


Balance between mindfulness and escapism.


Overall, I feel as if I’ve made massive strides with this balancing act—an act that is constantly being recalibrated moment by moment, day by day—and I know that I’ll continue to carry the theme of balance with me as I continue forth into 2022 and beyond.

For 2022, my theme word is HEART.

Cutting to the heart of matters.

Following my heart. 

Trusting my heart. 

Remembering my heart. 

If you’ve been following along my author journey for a hot minute (thank you!), then you’re probably aware that soooo much of an author’s journey really begins at the two words:

The End. 

Editing. Proofing. Formatting. Cover art. Publishing/Production. Ebooks. Print books. Audiobooks. Announcements. Marketing. ARC release parties. Social media. Fixing typos that slipped through the cracks (oops!). Updating back-matter. Being a human. Oh, and let’s not forget about writing the next story. And the next. And the next…

Okay, some of those are fun (hellooo writing and parties!) and some of those… *farting noises* ;)

So, as I was reflecting on 2021 and thinking about what I’d like to focus on for 2022, the word HEART came to mind for a few different reasons. One is that I’d like to get back to the heart of why I write.

I am a storyteller.

My heart and soul (and notebook) are filled with many, many epic love stories I absolutely can’t wait to continue to share with you!!!

Since I first started writing these stories in January 2019, I’ve learned… well, so much it could fill a book and then some. Lol! But what I was going to say is that I’ve learned it can be easy to get caught up in allllllll the things other than actually writing the stories (or doing the thing that you truly desire to do).

So, at this point in my author journey—and because I feel like I’ve built somewhat of a foundation where I can continue to learn and grow and play—in 2022, I’d like to get back to the heart of why it is I spend my free time at the keyboard… even now for this newsletter. ;)

Because the characters, my imaginary friends, just won’t leave me alone.

LOL JK! ;)

It’s because I am a storyteller and sharing these stories with you truly lights up my heart and soul!

Sooooo, in 2022, this means...

I may continue to be more MIA than not. 

(Thank you for your patience and understanding with my semi-perma-airplane-mode situation. And please know that I truly, truly, truly love all of your messages and mail and love that you send my way! I may sometimes respond a hundred years later but I deeply appreciate your notes! PS: Almost always, your kind words of love and support in my inbox just happen to be the helping hand reaching out to me to pick me up and encourage this one-woman show to keep going! So, THANK YOU! :) )

I’ll hopefully be getting more words on the page and into your hands!


I’ll be embracing the saying “done is better than perfect.”

(Hopefully, this will move the story through the editing/publishing process faster than ever before and, therefore, get to you faster too!)

Aaaaand that’s a wrap for the first newsletter of 2022! (Well, this part at least, don't forget to scroll through for all the goodies and deets! ;) )

Oh, and now it's your turn to share! :)


Did you have a primary theme word, intention, goal, etc. for 2021? 


How did it go? 


Did you crush your goals? 


Did you recalibrate them along the way? 


Did you nix them entirely? (Perhaps realizing you actually desired something different instead)

And last but certainly not least, what is your theme word/goal(s) for 2022?




M.C. Solaris


PS: Don’t forget to make sure the email address mcsolaris@mcsolaris.com is SAVED AS ONE OF YOUR CONTACTS so these newsletters don’t get caught in your spam/promotions folder.


Solaris’ 2021 Year in Review


Rhyker’s Key (audiobook)

Deacon’s Star (ebook, print book)

Orion’s Order Insider’s Guide (ebook, print book)

Work In Progress:

Deacon’s Star (audiobook)

Aleia’s Choice, OO Book 4 (first draft completed, ETA 2022)

Orion’s Order Book 5 (first draft underway, ETA 2023)

Caswell Convict (on 99 cent pre-order, May 2022)

I also finished the first draft of a super-secret book baby no eyes other than my own have ever seen! (ETA… I honestly don’t know. Lol! It’s unrelated to Orion’s Order and something a little more… shall we say, otherworldly? ;) )


Solaris’ Summer of Love (thank you to those who participated!)

Instagram Live Reader Chats (these were so much fun!)

Love & Devotion Book Signing (First book signing under the belt!)

Interviews & Features:

Jarman Day (Narrator) Interview

Sisters Spotlight FB Live with Jarman Day

Holiday Goodies with Shifters Unleashed 


I created the cover art for Caswell Convict, and the newer cover art for Orion’s Order print books, and Orion’s Order dust jackets.

I’m also the creator behind my social media graphics and swag on Solaris’ Swag Shop on Zazzle

And I also tried my hand at digital art for the first time (shout out to those random iris paintings) and delved into DIY at-home dip manicures. Neither are related to authory things but hey, they played a part in my creative outlet this year. Lol! ;)


Calypso’s Heart 2021 HOLT Medallion Finalist (2 categories)

Calypso’s Heart 2021 International Book Awards Readers’ Favorite Honorable Mention

Calypso’s Heart Readers’ Favorite 5 Stars Award

Calypso’s Heart Silver Literary Titan Book Award

Rhyker’s Key Gold Literary Titan Book Award

Rhyker’s Key 2021 Book Life Prize Quarter-Finalist

Miscellaneous Mentions:

I invested in a new laptop! It was a serious upgrade. 2010 hand-me-down-borrowed MacBook Pro (thank you to my beau!) to a brand new 2020 MacBook Pro.

Because of the new laptop, I also had the capability to invest in Vellum, a book formatting tool that has already saved me time and money (and future headaches lol). With a little bit of self-taught magic and elbow grease, I was able to provide a much-needed interior makeover to my books! (This is also how I found out my mild obsession with the art that goes at the front of each chapter -- see the Orion's Order Insider's Guide. Lol! ;) )

I never missed one of my monthly newsletters. (Those of you who are bloggers, etc. can appreciate and understand how this made it on the accomplishment list. Lol!)

I spent 90 seconds with Nalini Singh! (Ohhhh the anxiety! Lol!)

Starr, the fiery bounty hunter in the Orion’s Order series, has a song on Spotify! (Written and sang by none other than my sister, AKA the real Starr… quite fitting if you ask me ;) )





Caswell Convict (Clyde & Maddie’s story) is a part of a limited edition multi-author box set collection titled Midnight Magic and is now available to PRE-ORDER for 99 CENTS!!


PS: If you’re like, “Wait, time out! Who’s Clyde?”

He’s the lion shifter in Rhyker’s Key and he’s a part of the Caswell Pride aaaand yes, we get to meet some of the most powerful members of the pride in Clyde’s story! 

(Helloooo Caleb Caswell, AKA The Lion King, AKA alpha of the pride!)


PPS: If you haven't yet tried the Orion’s Order series, you can dive in at Calypso’s Heart (book 1) and then immediately continue on to Rhyker’s Key (book 2) and Deacon’s Star (book 3)! 




***99 CENTS***

Rocked: A Holiday MFM Menage Romance

Ever thought of spending the holiday with your true hot throbs.

No? Well, me either.

It had to be a full moon.

At least that's what Dr. Practical, AKA me, wants to blame it on.

The E.R. was usual madness.

But this was the night that got me.

Or should I say they got me.

Maybe it was the bad boy billionaire's knee buckling kiss...

Or the growly bodyguard's determination to keep me safe.

All I know is I'm in a dream in the mansion on the hill.

Pampered and protected beneath the sparkle of holiday lights.

And falling in love with both of them.

For so many reasons.

But life in the lime-light is full of potholes.

The kind that can swallow hopes and careers whole.

Rocked is a steamy, twisty, menage love story with two main male characters, a strong spunky female, and an unconventional love that works for them all. No cheating, no cliffhangers. This book has a great big Happy Ever After for Gage, Winter, and Julian.

Download Rocked 99 CENTS Here!



From this day forward you are one of us. One of the Infernal Blade.

Infernally Marked, previously part of the Assassin Society Anthology, is the prequel to Infernally Mine, a medium burn #whychoose book that sets the stage for this epic series of death, loyalty, and love. This prequel is from Mara's point of view as a teen so there are no explicit scenes but there is foul language. Intended for mature audiences only.

Download Infernally Marked FOR FREE Here


***99 CENTS***

As myths, legends, and ancient tales rise from the shadows, these heroes and heroines are left to face the darkest challenges of them all.

Life’s hard enough as a paranormal. Shifters, vampire, elementals, witches, fae… we all have our weakness, our curses, our wars to wage and battles to fight.

This paranormal and urban fantasy romance anthology includes 19 brand new, never before published novels from today’s bestselling authors and exciting up-and-coming talent!

Download Born of Shadows and Magic for 99 CENTS Here!



The only way to escape is to die.

For eighteen years I’ve suffered at the hands of the Hunters. For eighteen years they’ve done their best to break me, to tear me open and unleash the terrifying monster that lives within.

Author Note: Hunted is the first book in the Feral Souls Trilogy. It’s a paranormal romance reverse harem intended for readers 18 and over. It features brooding, overprotective alpha males, a heroine who’s damaged but determined to put the pieces back together, and a slow burn romance packed with raw emotion and delicious tension. Oh, and did I mention the hot wolf shifters?

Download Hunted Chapters 1-3 For Free Here!









