Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from It

Why My Big Idea Flopped and What You Can Learn from ItHey there, friends!I know we’ve been deep into our series on Human Design, but I wanted to take a quick detour to share an important business lesson with you. This one's close to my heart and I be...

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Jul 16, 2024
Why Human Design is Taking the Business World by Storm

Why Human Design is Taking the Business World by StormIf you’ve been hanging around the business and entrepreneurial circles lately, you’ve probably heard whispers (or loud shouts) about Human Design. It's the new buzzword, and for a good reason. But...

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Jun 12, 2024
Shifting from Disposable to Indispensable in Your Career

Shifting from Disposable to Indispensable in Your CareerBefore starting my own virtual services business in 2007, I worked a variety of jobs. From a grocery store cashier to a bank teller to a real estate paralegal, one thing remained constant: I fel...

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May 24, 2024