Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: Targeting Your Market

Aug 30, 2022 7:05 pm

Targeting Your Market


Are your marketing efforts resulting in the sound of crickets? Do you put tons of effort into writing compelling copy and crafting solid social media posts only to be met with silence? Are you wondering why some people seem to get tons of customers and clients from the same sort of marketing campaigns you’re creating? 

Could it be because you haven’t truly identified who your target market is? 

Better yet, do you even know how to identify your target market?

The truth is, many home business owners think that marketing is simply pulling together a post, newsletter, video etc. offering their goods or services to anyone who will listen and hope that someone will respond. That’s not marketing. That’s wishful thinking. In order to craft a true marketing campaign, you have to have a complete understanding of just who it is you want to respond. You must determine who the ideal customer/client is for your business. If you fail to do this, you might as well be sending those marketing campaigns into the void.

The one thing you should understand about marketing your home business is this:

Nobody responds to marketing that is aimed at Everybody.

The key to getting responses and ultimately more clients or customers is knowing exactly who your ideal client is. And how do you do that? By identifying them. It takes time and thought and a bit of imagination. And it works.

So just how do you identify your ideal client?

You have to start with understanding yourself and your business. You need to know what your strengths are and how you are different from others who are offering similar things that you do. It’s something you really should do before you decide to open your home business, but if you didn’t, you absolutely need to do it before you start marketing.

Once you understand yourself and your business, then it’s time to find that ideal client. And the best way to do that is to create your own ideal client character profile. Literally. I know it may sound a bit silly, but it’s a proven method for truly identifying who it is your products and services are for.

Do they identify as male, female, or non-binary? How old are they? What type of lifestyle do they have? Flesh out your ideal client character down to the small details. You should even name them. This is your target market. You want to speak to all the people like your ideal client character.

It may sound a bit silly, but, it allows you to get much more detailed in how what you provide can help them. You create a clear picture of the best way you can provide solutions to their specific problem(s). And that allows you to create a marketing campaign that speaks directly to them.

People respond when it’s obvious that someone understands them. So, if your marketing is falling on deaf ears, maybe it’s because you’ve never really narrowed down just who your target market is.


Need some help when it comes to your target market?


Not exactly sure who your ideal client is? Home Business Jumpstart has a new workbook to help! And for a limited time you can get Discover Your Target Market Workbook for 70% off. Don’t wait, this deal is only available during the launch period.


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