The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series. What is it?

Jan 21, 2022 4:31 pm


What is The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series?

If you're starting, thinking about starting or currently running a home business, you know that it's a bit different than traditional small businesses. We aren't concerned with renting office space, we need a productive home office space, sometimes in a very small home. We don't need help motivating employees because it's usually just us, at least at first. And we really don't have the money to sink into programs and apps where the majority of the features are geared toward those traditional small businesses and leave us out in the cold with a broken budget.

That's why I'm starting this series. I want to share the tips, as well as the apps and programs that I've found worked best for my own home business. Over the almost 15 years I've been in business I've tried a lot of things to help me not only grow my home business but to make it run more efficiently and smoothly. Now I'm going to share what I've learned with you so that you don't have to waste your time (and money) the way I did.

Are you ready to get started?

The Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: Tip #1 Scheduling Made Easy

Have you ever been part of the frustrating process of scheduling a meeting with an existing or prospective client/customer? The multiple emails going back and forth to try to find a date and time that works for their schedule and yours? Not to mention how complicated it gets when you add a time zone difference into the mix. It can be a nightmare, and not only that, it's a definite time suck. Time that could be better spent on revenue-building activities. For my first tip in the new Home Business Jumpstart Tips series, I'm going to help you with the frustration of scheduling meetings, calls, and video calls. I'm going to introduce you to TidyCal by AppSumo.


TidyCal is a powerful scheduling app similar to Calendly, Doodle, and Setmore. The difference is, instead of paying monthly or even yearly, you pay just $29*...once...for lifetime access.

I've used the free trials and free versions of many of the scheduling apps out there and every time I've been disappointed because in order to fully sync with my calendars or to sync with all of my calendars I needed to buy a premium subscription. Or there was no integration with my Outlook calendar or Zoom for video calls. There was always as least one major feature that I needed that wasn't available on the free or even the lower cost option of the apps.

That's why I was thrilled to learn that AppSumo had created their own scheduling app and was offering it for a low one-time fee. And after testing it out, I feel like I can recommend it to you. It allows you to connect up to 10 calendars from Google or Office 365 (with integration with Apple calendar coming soon), so you can connect your business calendar, your holiday calendar and your personal calendar to make sure you aren't double-booking yourself. It has integrations with Zoom or Google Meet for video calls as well as PayPal for any paid meetings you may have. Plus you can create your own booking pages, so you can create a separate booking page for every type of meeting you may have. And to make it even more powerful, it integrates with Zapier where you can connect it to your email programs like Mailchimp & aWeber, set it up to send you a notification if someone cancels, and tons more.

With TidyCal, you can stop the frustrating merry-go-round of scheduling meetings.

*Note: This price is current as of January 21, 2022 and is subject to change.

If You're Not Ready for TidyCal but Still Need Help Automating Your Scheduling:

I know not everyone is ready to invest in an app immediately, even if it is just $29*. Or maybe you don't need to sync calendars or integrate with Zoom. For those of you who are in that situation, check out WhenIsGood. It's a simple and free option for setting up your availability for meetings and letting your participants choose from those available times.

Home Business Jumpstart Is All About Helping Home Businesses Start & Grow

Did you know that Home Business Jumpstart products and services are created by a home business owner for home business owners? My name is Tina Marie Hilton and I've successfully run my own home business for almost 15 years now. Over those years I've done a lot, and I mean a LOT, of trial and error to see what worked for my business. Sometimes that meant wasted time, sometimes that meant wasted money. Sometimes it meant both. Now I'm offering others with the dream of owning a successful home-based business the benefit of what I've learned by sharing it with you. From workbooks to coaching sessions to this free newsletter, you can breath easy knowing that what you are getting from me has not only been used and tested by me in my own home business, but it works. Be sure to check out my store by clicking the button below the image and watch this newsletter for new products.


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Coming Soon!

imageOne of the most powerful tools a home business has for marketing is social media. That said, it can also be one of the biggest time sucks out there. So how do you utilize social media without it taking up all your time? It's all about planning and automating and I'm going to share how in my latest offering "How To Plan Your Social Media & Set It On Auto-Pilot".

Be watching for the February release date of the workbook and more to help you use the power of social media to market your home business.
