Unwrap Joy: Your Stress-Free Holiday Plan Inside 🎁

Nov 28, 2023 6:22 pm

Unwrap Joy: Your Stress-Free Holiday Plan Inside 🎁


Hi everyone,

As the holiday season whirls around us, I appreciate you taking a moment to read this heartfelt message. We've journeyed through Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday, with Hanukkah on the horizon starting December 7th. The weeks ahead may bring office parties, gift shopping, and gatherings, or perhaps a quieter, more reflective time. Whether you're caught up in the holiday buzz or feeling a bit lonely, it can be a challenging period to stay on top of things.

If you're like me—a home business owner with the constant reminder of the ticking clock leading to a new year—then you probably desire a change, a better year ahead. Whether it's more clients, increased sales, business stability, or the bold step to become your own boss, we all carry hopes and expectations for the future.

This season can bring a lot of stress, and I've been there—caught between holiday festivities and planning for the future. It's not fun. But this year, I've devised a plan that might just work, and I want to share it with you.

1.    Don’t over-extend yourself. 

The media and society make us feel like we’re failing at the holidays if we don’t attend every party, bake the perfect cookies, or buy the perfect gifts. I suppose for the materialistic folks that makes sense. But my best holiday memories aren’t of elaborate get-togethers or perfect gifts. My best memories are the ones where I got to spend time with family and friends, doing things like watching The Santa Clause or singing Christmas carols. So often we go into debt to try to give our families the ‘perfect’ holiday. The truth is, it’s likely they won’t even remember what you gave them within a year. What they will remember is the time they spent with you.  What kind of memories are you leaving behind if you’re so overbooked you can’t relax with them? Or overspending so much that you’re too stressed to enjoy their company. 

2.    Reflect on your achievements.

Every day between now and the end of December, write down one thing you accomplished this year that you’re proud of.  It doesn’t have to be anything big.  If you own a business or are working toward it, you can create a separate list for that if you’d like, but you don’t have to. It can all be on one big list. Whichever is easier. This isn’t an exercise meant to add to your stress. It’s meant to remind you that you did ok this past year.

3.    Set low-key goals.

Every day between now and the end of the year write down one thing you’d like to accomplish in the new year. Again, it can be a simple thing. It can be business-related or not.  The purpose of this exercise is to help you set some goals in a low-key, low-stress way.

4.    Make time for yourself.

Take the time to enjoy a luxurious bath, do your nails, sit with a cup of your favorite beverage, read a book, or do something you find relaxing and enjoyable. I’m not ashamed to say that I love to grab a hot mocha and watch a sappy Hallmark Christmas movie. It’s a no-stress way to be just a little bit self-indulgent. Taking care of ourselves is important, especially during a busy and stressful time like the holidays.

5.    Play hooky.

Take an unexpected day off from work. You can use that day for whatever you want, EXCEPT work.  Do some Christmas shopping in the middle of the week when the crowds aren’t so bad. Use the day to bake those cookies or decorate your space. Meet up with friends for lunch. Do something that helps you de-stress. Don’t feel like you can take a complete day? Then take a half day. Just use that time to do something that makes you feel a bit more in control and less overwhelmed.

6.    Just say no.

Don’t feel like you have to agree to everything you’re asked to do this holiday season. Choose the things that you feel comfortable doing and say no to the rest. It’s ok to skip Aunt Edna’s white elephant gift party. It’s okay to trim your gift-giving list down to just your immediate family. It’s fine to skip the tree lighting ceremony this year. If there are activities you usually do just because you ‘have to’ or you’ve always done them and they don’t actually bring you joy. Don’t do them this year. Your holiday memories are going to be much happier if you’re only participating in the things that make you happy and comfortable.

7.    Find ways to connect.

If you are someone who finds the holiday season lonely, see if you can find ways to connect with others. See if your local library has any holiday activities planned or volunteer to wrap presents for a local organization that gives gifts to children. Call a local nursing home and see if there are residents who could use a visitor. I know it’s not always easy to put yourself out there when you’re alone during the holidays, but you may find that by exploring the local opportunities to reach out to others you’ll feel less lonely and may even make a few new friends.

Remember, it's okay not to have everything figured out. Let's navigate this holiday season with a plan that ensures more joy, less stress, and a promising start to the new year.

Wishing you a peaceful and fulfilling holiday season,


With warm regards,


P.S. Are you going to implement my no-stress holiday plan? Let me know by sharing on social media and tagging your post with the hashtag #hbjstressfreeholiday ! And be sure to follow me on Instagram (@HomeBusinessJumpstart & @TMarieHilton), Facebook, LinkedIn & TikTok


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