How I Survived 17 Years of Chaos—And Why You Can Too

Sep 17, 2024 2:25 pm

How I Survived 17 Years of Chaos—And Why You Can Too


A few days ago, I celebrated my 17th year of being my own boss. 🎉 And let me tell you, those 17 years have been a wild ride full of highs, lows, and a few panic-fueled brainstorming sessions at 2 AM. 😅 I’ve moved three times to three different states, and I've faced some personal heartbreaks too. I lost my dad, and just a few short years later, my mom. 💔

There were more than a few sleepless nights spent worrying about paying the bills (and let’s not forget the times they had to be paid late... yikes). I've even dealt with health issues that landed me in the hospital and left me stressing over how I could juggle doctor appointments and run my business without dropping the ball. Owning a business is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. But here's the thing—it’s been worth every single sleepless night, pivot, and creative scramble I’ve made to keep this dream alive.

And I know, when you're in the middle of that moment—when everything feels like it's teetering on the edge—it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, what can you do to stay motivated when things get tough?

Here are a few strategies that have helped me and others in similar situations keep going, even when the going gets tough:

1. Create a Failsafe Routine for Crisis Mode

One thing that’s saved me countless times is having a routine for when things go sideways. This isn’t your regular to-do list; it’s a crisis-mode plan. I start the day with one important task that gives me a sense of accomplishment, no matter how chaotic things feel. It could be something small, like responding to a client email or organizing my workspace. Having this “failsafe” routine keeps me from feeling completely overwhelmed when everything else seems out of control.

2. Introduce Micro-Adventures

During some of my most stressful moments, I discovered the power of micro-adventures. These are small, planned breaks where I do something completely different—whether it’s a quick trip to the local coffee shop for their newest seasonal flavor (in decaf for me) or just running a few errands. An hour or two away from the grind does wonders for resetting my brain and reminding me that there’s more to life than my immediate worries. It’s a simple but effective way to recharge.

3. Press the Mental Reset Button

Stress can pile up quickly, and having a mental reset button can make all the difference. Whether it’s a short meditation, lighting a candle, or even stepping outside for a deep breath, these small rituals help me hit “reset” and clear my head. It’s like rebooting a computer—sometimes you just need to shut things down and start fresh.

4. The 15-Minute Pivot

I picked this one up somewhere on the internet, but it's a game-changer. When you’re stuck, give yourself 15 minutes to brainstorm a pivot or find a new approach. Whether you’re reworking a project, rethinking your day, or simply shifting your environment, that short burst of focused energy can lead to breakthroughs. I’ve used this trick when I felt stuck creatively or bogged down by a tough decision, and it works more often than not!

5. Turn Obstacles into a Game

Here’s a fun way to shake things up: treat your challenges like a game. For example, set small goals for yourself—completing a project, hitting a deadline, or even responding to tough emails—and assign each task a point value. Once you reach a certain number of points, reward yourself with something simple like a coffee, a few minutes to scroll on TikTok, or a new book. It makes tackling difficult tasks feel less daunting, and there’s a sense of accomplishment when you hit your "high score."

6. Ask, “What’s One Thing I Can Do Right Now?”

When you’re overwhelmed, everything feels equally urgent. Narrowing your focus down to just one thing you can do right now can make a huge difference. I’ve used this trick countless times when everything seemed like too much—whether it was paying a bill, responding to one email, or checking in with a client. Focusing on one task at a time creates momentum, which leads to more productivity (and less stress).

7. Think About “Future Me”

Sometimes, thinking ahead helps me pull through tough days. I ask myself, “What can I do today that future me will thank me for?” Whether it’s taking care of my health, laying the groundwork for a new service, or even just making sure the basics are covered, thinking about the long game puts today’s challenges into perspective. And when I look back, I’m always grateful for the decisions I made during the hard times.

When the Going Gets Tough, You've Got This

Owning your own business will never be a smooth ride, but with the right tools and mindset, you can keep moving forward, even when the path feels rocky. These strategies have helped me (and others) weather tough times, and I hope they inspire you to find your own way to stay motivated.

What’s your favorite way to stay motivated when things get hard? Hit reply and share your go-to strategies—I’d love to hear what keeps you going!

Until next time, keep moving forward, keep finding those small wins, and remember—you’ve got this! ✨



Know someone who’s juggling chaos and needs a little motivation boost?

Don’t keep this to yourself—hit that forward button and share the love! Because, let’s face it, we all know someone who could use a few hacks to stay sane in the wild world of business. 🚀


Feeling like you’re stuck in a never-ending business chaos?

Let’s turn that around! 🚀 Whether you need a fresh game plan, personalized strategies, or just a little clarity, I’m here to help you find your next breakthrough. Ready to leave the panic-brainstorms behind? Let’s make your next move together!"


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Well, you’re in luck! 🎉 I’ve got a blog packed with even more juicy tips for solo and small home business owners. We’re talking burnout prevention, September social media post ideas, cool AI ideas, and so much more. And here’s the kicker—I’ve been at this for years, so there’s a treasure chest of goodies just waiting for you to dive in. Ready to explore? Click here and let the adventure begin!


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