September Shenanigans: Biz Hacks, Life Snacks & a Whole Lotta Coffee! 🍎

Sep 05, 2024 3:24 pm

September Shenanigans: Biz Hacks, Life Snacks & a Whole Lotta Coffee! 🍎


Welcome to the very first edition of The Tip Jar: Biz Hacks & Life Snacks—your new monthly dose of business brilliance! This special edition will hit your inbox at the start of each month, packed with fresh tips and ideas tailored to what's happening that month. Whether you're looking for AI prompts, blog ideas, marketing magic, or just a little life balance, I’ve got you covered.

But don’t worry, you’ll still be getting your regular weekly newsletters the rest of the month. The Tip Jar is just an extra serving of biz and life goodies to get you fired up for the month ahead. So let’s dive into September and get back to business with a bang!


Let’s be real: running a business is tough, and sometimes you just need a little help getting those creative juices flowing. That’s where AI comes in. I’m including these AI prompts in The Tip Jar because they’re a secret weapon for solopreneurs—whether you’re brainstorming new content, writing client emails, or crafting your next big marketing push. Just copy, paste, and let the magic happen! No need to overthink it.

Why use these? They’ll save you time, spark ideas, and help you automate tasks that would otherwise eat into your precious work hours. It’s like having a personal assistant that’s powered by your vision.

The best part? You can always tweak these prompts to reflect your unique style or specific needs. Whether you want to add your brand voice or focus on a niche offering, the flexibility is endless!

Here are this month’s prompts to get you rolling:

  1. “Summer Recap Magic”: “Create a fun, engaging Instagram post that summarizes how my business grew or evolved over the summer, and tease some exciting things coming this fall.”
  2. “Back-to-Business Blitz”: “Generate 10 creative ideas for promoting my services in September, focusing on the theme of getting back to business after summer.”
  3. “Client TLC Template”: “Write a warm, personalized email template I can send to my clients as a check-in, showing appreciation and offering support as they head into Q4.”

By using these prompts, you can streamline your content creation and customer communications, giving you more time to focus on the parts of your business you love.

Need something more tailored to your brand’s voice and goals? Check out my Custom AI Persona Creation service, where I help you develop AI prompts designed specifically for your business. It’s like having a custom-made assistant at your fingertips!


Blog Post Ideas: "Get Those Creative Juices Flowing"

If writer’s block has you in a chokehold, I’ve got your back.

  1. “September Is the New January”: Why wait for the new year? Write about how September offers a fresh start for businesses, with a focus on resetting and refocusing.
  2. “Back to Business: 5 Post-Summer Success Tips”: A practical guide for solopreneurs on how to get back into the swing of things after a summer slowdown.
  3. “Building Your Business Tribe”: The power of networking and building a community—why it's essential for solopreneurs heading into Q4.
  4. “The Hustle-Hibernate Balance”: Offer tips on balancing the high-energy hustle of fall with intentional rest and recuperation.


Marketing Magic: "Sippin’ & Selling"

“Perk Up Your Sales: National Coffee Day Promo”:

September 29th is National Coffee Day—so why not brew up a little business with a themed promotion? Offer a coffee-fueled deal for that day only, like a discount on services or a bonus consult for any new bookings. Pair it with a cheeky email and a cozy coffee aesthetic on social media to caffeinate your marketing. ☕️


Social Media Campaign: "Fall Back in Love with Your Biz"

“21 Days to Fall Back in Love” Challenge:

Run a fun and interactive challenge on Instagram or TikTok where followers share one thing they’re doing every day in September to reconnect with their business. Whether it's decluttering their workspace or finally getting their website updated, have them tag you for a chance to win a fun prize (like a free consult). The goal? Help them reignite their passion for their biz while spreading the love for yours.


Video Tip: "Lights, Camera, Business Check-In!"

“Reset & Reboot: September Biz Health Check”:

Record a short, punchy video where you guide your audience through a quick self-check-in for their business. Prompt them to think about what worked (and what didn’t) this summer, what adjustments need to be made, and how to crush it in Q4. You’re basically their business therapist for the day. 📹


Business Growth Tip: "Q4 Power Hour"

“Plan Like You Mean It: Prepping for Q4 Like a Pro”:

September is the time to take a step back and set yourself up for a killer Q4. Spend one power hour reviewing what’s coming up—holiday marketing, inventory, service adjustments, all the things. Create a to-do list that makes you feel on top of the world and ready to own the rest of 2024.


Work-Life Balance Tip: "Happy Hour for the Soul"

“Sunset Unplug: End-of-Summer Self-Care”:

Before we lose those long daylight hours, encourage yourself (and your audience) to take advantage of an outdoor unplugged moment. Whether it's a walk or sipping tea on the porch, taking 30 minutes to recharge can make all the difference when you’re busy conquering the world. 🌅


Burnout Prevention Tip: "The Slow-Down Shuffle"

“One Day a Week, No Clients Allowed”:

This one’s non-negotiable: Pick a day each week to focus on your biz, not your clients. No meetings, no emails, just creative work, planning, or a bit of admin you’ve been putting off. By setting aside this time, you avoid getting sucked into burnout-ville. Trust me, it works.


Managing Finances Tip: "Spice Up Your Budget"

“Pumpkin Spice & Budget Slice”:

September is the perfect time to do a quick financial refresh. Review your budget, slice out those unnecessary expenses (we’re looking at you, subscriptions you don’t use), and reallocate funds toward what’s working. Just like that, you’ve got a lean, mean financial machine going into Q4.


Client Relationships Tip: "The Fall Back Client Touch"

“Back-to-Business Client Check-In”:

It’s been a minute, right? Send a friendly, personal email to clients you haven’t heard from in a while. Ask how they’re doing, what they’ve got planned for Q4, and how you can help. It’s an easy way to remind them you’re still their go-to guru. 💌


Time-Saving Tech Tool: "Zap It Good"

“Zapier: The Task Zapper You Didn’t Know You Needed”:

Zapier can automate all those pesky little tasks that eat up your time—connecting apps, syncing data, sending out reminders. It’s like having a mini assistant, minus the extra paycheck. Seriously, it’s a life-saver for small biz owners. Go on, give it a try!


That’s a wrap for this month’s The Tip Jar: Biz Hacks & Life Snacks! You’ll still get your regular weekly newsletters throughout the rest of the month, but this special edition will drop the first week of every month to get you fired up with ideas, hacks, and inspiration.

Got something specific you want to see in next month’s Tip Jar? Drop me a line! I love hearing your requests, and who knows—you might just see your idea featured.

Until next month, keep those coffee cups full and your to-do lists short! ☕️💡


P.S. Spread the Snacks, Share the Hacks đŸżđŸ’Ą

Loving The Tip Jar: Biz Hacks & Life Snacks so far? Don’t keep all this goodness to yourself—sharing is caring, after all! 🧡 Got a fellow solopreneur, service-based business owner, or small biz friend who’s ready to level up their game? Send this newsletter their way and help them level up their business game.

Plus, let’s be honest—being the one who shares the insider tips that help people look like total geniuses? That’s a pretty sweet feeling. 😎 So go ahead, hit that forward button and spread the love! You’ll be their hero of the day, and who knows? You might even score yourself some serious brownie points. 🍫


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Join us today. Your future self will thank you! đŸ˜‰

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And as always, if you know someone that you feel would benefit from the information shared in this newsletter, feel free to forward and share the love❣️


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