Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: How to Enjoy Summer Even If You Can’t Take a Vacation

May 24, 2022 2:31 pm

How to Enjoy Summer Even if You Can't Take a Vacation.


It’s important that you find ways to integrate downtime into your summer work schedule.

I may be fifteen years away from the start-up phase of my home business, but I still remember those early days...vividly. Between juggling projects for my first client or two and finding low-cost ways to market my services, I seldom took any time off. I’d been hit over the head with the message that being a workaholic was the way to find success and damn, I was determined to do whatever it took. 

Until I started to dread walking down the stairs from my bedroom to my home office. 

It was then it dawned on me that allowing myself no time for relaxing or fun was only burning me out, not putting me on the path to success. It was simply making me resent my own business. The business I had dreamt about having for most of my adult life. I knew then that I had to rethink the way I was doing business.

I needed to find ways to take time off without disrupting my normal schedule too much. After all, I was still in the early years and the idea of taking more than a day or so off completely was terrifying.

At the time of my discovery, another summer was on the doorstep. And while I still felt that actually taking a traditional summer vacation wasn’t doable for me, I knew I had to find ways of getting some summer ‘me’ time.

Here are a few things I personally found I could do to give myself that much-needed downtime, while still maintaining plenty of time for my business.

1.    Observe all the holidays. Take Memorial Day off. Grab another day or two off for July 4th. Don’t work on Labor Day. And if you’re a summer baby, take your birthday off. Clients and customers expect this. They themselves normally take these holidays off, so it’s not going to upset them that you do as well.

2.    Extend your lunch break. If you’re used to eating at the computer or grabbing something at the drive-thru on your trip to the post office, start taking a real lunch break. And at least once a week, make it a little longer than an hour and escape to the pool or the beach for a bit. Or meet up with friends for lunch at that new bistro in town.

3.    Attend a conference. This is a great way to mix business with pleasure.  Conferences are often held in great locations for enjoying some downtime. A mountain retreat, a seashore excursion, or even a trip to a city you’ve always wanted to visit. You get relaxation time while still doing something to move your business forward.

4.    Stretch your weekend. During the summer, implement a half-day on either Monday or Friday. If you are the type that benefits from a slower start to your workweek, don’t start your business week until noon on Mondays. More interested in fitting in a little more time for summer activities on the weekends? Get out of work at noon on Fridays and head off to the beach, the lake, or wherever your summer happy place is. Either choice extends your weekend while not taking a whole day off.

By incorporating one of these ideas into your summer schedule, you’re taking better care of yourself which is necessary to grow a successful business. Combine a few of the ideas and it will feel like you’ve taken a vacation without the long absence from your biz.


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