Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: Don't Let Age Stop You

Sep 27, 2022 2:01 pm

Don't Let Age Stop You


Although I turned 59 in August, just this past weekend, over a month later, it hit me that I am living my last months as a 50-something. For a few seconds, it terrified me. 

Then I took a deep breath and got over myself. There are still so many things I want to do with my life and the fact that in 11 months I’ll move into another set of numbers isn’t going to change that.  Twenty years ago I never would have felt that way. In fact, 15 years ago, my age was one of the ‘cons’ on the list of pros & cons I made about starting my own business. I was 44. And back then I seriously felt I might be too old to start a business.

Luckily my pro list outweighed the cons and I started my business anyway. I don’t regret a moment of it and I believe that my age actually helped me in a lot of ways. I had tons of work experience in quite a few different fields, as well as an education in medical office procedures and medical coding. Neither of which I offered as services in my business, but nonetheless many of the things I learned I was able to transfer to running my business and dealing with clients. Rather than my age being a hindrance, it was a help. 

I think many people feel their age is a drawback when thinking about starting their own home business. Some people are like me and feel they are too old. Others may be fresh out of school and feel they are too young. I honestly believe no matter what your age, it can be a huge benefit rather than a problem. For example, young people are much more familiar with the changes in technology and social media. They readily embrace the new social media platforms like TikTok and seem to automatically understand what it takes to build a following on them. They also have a freshness and exuberance that allows them to push through difficulties and find resolutions in ways that some of us older folks wouldn’t even consider. 

That’s not to say the older generations don’t have powerful benefits too. As I mentioned earlier, we have life experiences to draw on as well as education and the knowledge that we have weathered some tough times. We might not be natural with social media, but we can learn.  I think about the young mothers out there juggling a job, the kids, the school sports, the housework, and more. That ability to multitask and schedule is a huge component when running a home business.

Julia Child was 50 when she published her first cookbook. Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature at 62, Joan of Arc was 17 when she turned a war around, and Mary Shelley published Frankenstein when she was 20. When it comes to following your dreams, even if it’s starting your own home business, don’t let your age stop you.


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