The Power of Using Valuable Content to Attract New Clients

May 30, 2023 5:48 pm

The Power of Using Valuable Content to Attract New Clients


If you're finding value in this newsletter series, please consider sharing it. Over the past few weeks, I've tried to provide you with some proven ways of finding new clients. Finding clients happens to be the number one concern for home business owners. This week we are going to talk about valuable content or content marketing. I've also included a section about using AI to help you create your content and things to be aware of if you choose to do so. Let's get into it!

One of the most effective ways to find new clients is to create valuable content. When you create content that is helpful, informative, and engaging, you position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with potential clients. This can lead to more leads, more sales, and more growth for your business.

Here are a few tips for creating valuable content that will help you find more clients:

  • Start by identifying your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your content? What are their needs and interests? Once you know who you're writing for, you can tailor your content to appeal to them.
  • Focus on providing value. Don't just write about your products or services. Instead, focus on providing your readers with valuable information that they can use. This could include tips, advice, tutorials, or anything else that would be helpful to them.
  • Make your content easy to read and understand. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon. You want your readers to be able to understand your content without having to struggle.
  • Promote your content. Once you've created valuable content, you need to let people know about it. Share it on social media, submit it to relevant websites, and even email it to your subscribers.

What exactly is ‘Content’?

Content can be an article, a video or even a TikTok post. Anything that shares valuable information with your target market in a helpful way can be considered content.  Some of the more recognizable examples are:

  • Blog posts: Blog posts are a great way to share your expertise and build trust with potential clients. Write about topics that are relevant to your target audience and that will provide them with value.
  • Ebooks: Ebooks are a great way to provide your readers with even more in-depth information on a particular topic. They can also be used to promote your products or services.
  • Videos: Videos are a great way to engage your audience and make your content more visually appealing. You can use videos to share tips, tutorials, or even just behind-the-scenes footage of your business.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are a great way to reach a wider audience. You can interview experts in your field, share stories from your own business, or even just chat with your customers.

No matter what type of content you choose to create, make sure that it is valuable and relevant to your target audience. 

Examples of using content to connect with more clients. It always helps to have a few examples to refer to.  Below are some examples of how some small businesses might use valuable content to grow their client/customer base:

  • A business that sells organic dog food creates a blog post about the benefits of feeding your dog a raw diet. The post includes information about the nutritional value of raw food, as well as recipes for making your own raw food at home. The post is well-written and informative, and it provides valuable information to potential customers who are looking for healthy food options for their dogs.
  • A business that provides virtual assistant services creates a series of infographics about the different tasks that their services can help with. The infographics are visually appealing and easy to understand, and they provide potential customers with a clear understanding of what the company can do for them.
  • A business that sells handmade jewelry creates a video tutorial about how to make one of its signature pieces. The video is well-produced and easy to follow, and it provides potential customers with a look behind the scenes as to how these one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces are made. It also shows the skill and time it takes to create each piece.
  • A business that provides web design services creates a series of blog posts about the latest trends in web design. The posts are well-written and informative, and they provide potential customers with valuable insights into the latest trends in web design.
  • A business that sells organic skincare products creates a video series about how to use their products. The videos are well-produced and easy to follow, and they provide potential customers with the information they need to use the products effectively.

These are just a few examples of how home businesses can use valuable content to grow their businesses. By creating content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to their target audience, home businesses can position themselves as experts in their field and build trust with potential customers. This can lead to more leads, more sales, and more growth for their business.

I encourage you to consider creating valuable content as a way to grow your business. There are many different types of content that you can create, and there is no one right way to do it. The most important thing is to create content that is valuable to your target audience. If you can do that, you will be well on your way to finding more clients and growing your business.


Using AI as a Co-Creator of Your Content

AI like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard can be a huge help when creating content.  Keep in mind there are a few considerations you need to be aware of if you decide that AI is going to be your co-writer. 

Always check the AI-generated material for accuracy.  AI doesn’t always get it right. And sometimes it just makes stuff up. That makes it critical for you to check the AI-generated material for mistakes and inaccuracies.

You must disclose that some of the material was created by AI. This means you need some sort of disclaimer that makes it easy to understand that a part of the content they are reading was generated.  This is why I recommend using the generated material more as an outline.  You want your valuable content to be in your voice, your tone, and belong to you. 

In your disclosure, you should explain the role that AI played in the creation of the content.  An example of disclosure language might be:

The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.

Your content using AI-generated material must meet the AI platform’s terms and conditions.  For example, ChatGPT (and most others) require that your content not be adult content, spam, hateful content, content that incites violence, or other uses that may cause social harm.  They also ask that you not share any AI-generated outputs that would offend others.

AI can be a great tool to help you create valuable content, but make sure you’re using it correctly.  Simply generating, cutting, and pasting is not only a violation of the AI platform's terms and conditions, but the result could be inaccurate and untrustworthy. Which is the last thing you want your content to be.

image Recent Articles About Content Marketing

Below are a few recent articles that discuss content marketing:

"The Top 10 Content Marketing Trends for 2023" []: This article discusses the top 10 content marketing trends for 2023, providing insights into the latest developments in the field.

"29 Impressive Content Marketing Examples You Can Use in 2023" []: This article provides 29 examples of successful content marketing campaigns that can inspire marketers to create their own.

"100+ Eye-Opening Content Marketing Statistics for 2023" []: This article presents over 100 content marketing statistics that showcase the most important industry trends and benchmarks for 2023.

"20 Content Marketing Examples That Stand Out in 2022" []: This article provides 20 content marketing examples from 2022, including media like newsletters, podcasts, social media posts, and videos.



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image More Content Marketing Tips

Additional tips for creating valuable content that will help you find more clients:

  • Use keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to search for.
  • Make sure your content is well-written and free of errors.
  • Use images and videos to break up your text and make your content more visually appealing.
  • Promote your content on social media and other online channels.


Have You Thought of Being a Virtual Assistant?

If you've ever wondered if being a virtual assistant might be your path to working from home you'll want to check out my best-selling Udemy course, "Work from Home as a Virtual Assistant."

My course has helped thousands of students realize their dream of owning their own business. It's an in-depth learning experience that takes the student from understanding if being a virtual assistant is right for them to opening the doors of their very own services-based business. And it's about to get even better.

I'm currently updating this course with new information, new materials and new videos. I'm even adding a few new lessons on subjects like using AI as a virtual assistant. But here's the thing - once the update is complete, the price of the course will increase. But you, as a valued subscriber, have the chance to purchase the original course at the lower price and receive the updated material for free once it's released.

Think of it as a "pre-order" for the updated course. You'll get the original course at a lower price and be the first to receive the updated material when it's ready.

It's a win-win!

So don't wait any longer, take advantage of this amazing opportunity and invest in yourself and your dream of business ownership today. Sign up for "Work from Home as a Virtual Assistant" now!

P.S. If you're still on the fence, just think about how much you'll save on your daily commute. You could even wear your pajamas to work - now that's a win!





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