Home Business Jumpstart Tips Series: Summer Project Ideas for Your Home Business

May 31, 2022 5:01 pm

Summer Project Ideas for Your Home Business


In my last newsletter, I talked about ways to take time off during the summer months even if you feel you can’t take a vacation. In today’s issue, I want to talk about summer project ideas for your home business.

For many home business owners, summer is a bit slower. Clients and customers are enjoying school vacations with their kids, taking vacations themselves, and just enjoying the great outdoors. It makes it a great time to take on a summer project or two. If need some ideas, here are a handful:

1.    Take some time off yourself. If you feel you can take an actual summer vacation, do so. If not, check out last week’s newsletter for ways you can get a little extra downtime over the summer months. Whatever you do, be sure to make getting some rest and relaxation a priority.

2.    Give yourself a change of venue. You’d be surprised at the benefits of simply working from someplace new can be. Maybe you’ll decide to rent a beach cottage for a week and work with the waves as your soundtrack. Perhaps you can try out that co-working space a couple of times a month. New coffee shop in town? Consider working from there a day or so a week while sipping a decadent iced latte. No matter what you choose, you’ll be surprised at how it can really give your mood and creativity a boost.

3.    Focus on your marketing. It can be hard to fit plans for marketing into your daily work schedule during the year. The slower summer months are a perfect time to make some marketing plans and put some into play. For example, you could speak at a local business event, sponsor the local t-ball team or start a summer series on your social media that shares great summer pictures combined with updates about what your business is doing this summer.

4.    Give your business a makeover. If you’ve been wanting to change your branding, summer is a great time to do that. Whether you give your website an update, revamp your logo or do a complete overhaul of your brand, the slower pace of summer can give you the time to get it all done.

5.    Recycle old blog posts. Grab a group of blog posts that are either about the same subject or work well together and turn them into an ebook. Once you have it pulled together you can either use it as a giveaway to get folks to sign up for your newsletter or you can sell it.

6.    Create an online class. Online classes are hot and they aren’t expected to cool down anytime soon. If there is something you know how to do or are an expert at, consider teaching it to others. You class can be a simple class that teaches something quickly from start to finish or it can be a multi-class ecourse. You can create videos, audio or do live webinars. There are plenty of options, so you can choose the one that you’re most comfortable with. The really nice thing about doing something like this is that not only are you marketing your home business, but you’re creating another stream of income.

These are just a handful of possibilities, there are certainly many others. And if adding new projects to your summer schedule is the last thing you want to do, just focus on the rest and relaxation aspect. But if you’re like me, and are always putting your project ideas for your own business on the back burner, summer is the perfect time to start a project or two.


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