Your Midweek Boost: Reflect, Revive, and Rock Your Goals

Aug 23, 2023 5:17 pm


Isn't it fascinating how quickly the days roll by? It's Wednesday, the perfect time to hit the pause button, reflect on your journey this week, and gear up for what's ahead. Welcome to your Midweek Refresh, a moment to realign, recharge, and ensure you're on track for your goals.

Here's your roadmap for today's refresh:

Mindless Flow: Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let's get those creative juices flowing. Find a quiet spot, grab a pen and paper, and just let your thoughts stream freely. No grammar police, no filters—just express whatever comes to mind. Think of it as a gentle warm-up, priming your mind for productive introspection.

Performance Checkpoint: Now, let's dive into your week so far. Take a look at the projects, tasks, and events that colored your days. How well did your intentions align with your actions? Recall the feedback you received, both the applause and the critique. With these insights, identify the changes you're inspired to make. Did you conquer deadlines? Did any slip through the cracks? Where did you exceed expectations?

1. Projects, Tasks, and Events: Reflect on the projects, tasks, and events that you engaged in during the week. Note down the most significant ones that took up your time and energy.

2. Intentions and Actions: Consider the intentions you had at the beginning of the week—the things you aimed to achieve. Now, analyze how well your actions align with these intentions. Did you manage to work on what you had planned?

3. Feedback Analysis: Take a moment to recall any feedback you received throughout the week. This could be both positive (applause) and constructive (critique). Record the nature of the feedback and its source.

4. Compelled Changes: Based on the insights gained from your intentions, actions, and feedback, identify any changes you feel compelled to make. This could involve adjustments to your approach, communication, or tasks.

5. Deadlines Assessment: Review the deadlines you had for various tasks or projects. Note down which ones you successfully met, which ones you missed, and if there were any you managed to surpass ahead of schedule.

6. Excelled Moments: Reflect on instances where you excelled beyond your expectations. These could be areas where you displayed remarkable efficiency, creativity, or productivity.

 I have created a worksheet that may help Click here to access it.

Click Here!

Tomorrow's Blueprint: As you evaluate your week, gear up for tomorrow and the days beyond. What's your strategy for Friday and the upcoming weekend? How can you leverage your insights to optimize your tasks and approach? Plot your blueprint for the rest of the week with newfound clarity and intention.

Learning Focus: Lastly, envision one thing you're eager to learn before Sunday arrives. Whether it's a skill, a piece of knowledge, or a fresh perspective, this mini-goal keeps your growth trajectory steady.

Remember, the Midweek Refresh is your space to step back, recalibrate, and ensure your journey aligns with your aspirations. It's more than just crossing tasks off your list—it's about mindful progress that resonates with your long-term vision.

So, grab your pen, embrace the Mindless Flow, and dive into the Performance Checkpoint. Tomorrow and the weekend beckon, and you're crafting the path that will take you there.

DK Jonah

Please download the worksheet if you need it

Click Here!
