Get Laser Focused! 🌶️ Spicy Era Loading
Dec 31, 2024 2:46 pm
I am popping into your mailbox because you subscribed to my list or downloaded one of my books.
Are we all ready for a change? I know I am, so I have spent some serious time digging in and throwing out all the excess crap. I feel so clear on what I want, and I am laser-focused on these few things. (Also, tomorrow, this same email will be delivered, but I will also share my INSIDE VOICE beside each of the points I am making here. It is my SPICY ERA 🌶️. Don't miss it!
First off - My WORD for the first half of the year is ... LIGHTER! (It feels spacious, open, clean, minimalist, easy to carry, easy to speak about, and light. I am digging it! What is your word?)
Secondly, I am pulling out a fan favourite... daily intention setting. I will be setting the intention for the next day the night prior. I am writing things down (yes, pencil planner people unite) and living by the book. If it is in the book, it is getting done. It makes it real. Non-negotiable. Boundaries. Keeping my promise to myself - FIRST. I must have firmer boundaries to protect myself from work creep as I get busier.
Thirdly, I will be fine-tuning my gratitude practice. I am good with gratitude, but since it is a superpower, I am leaning in to ensure my gratitude response is sharp and ready. (The Gratitude Transformation might be what you need if you are struggling. Yes, it seems silly, but it packs a punch and is free!)
Lastly, I am updating my Vision Board. I do this because I need to open tabs in my brain to start looking for opportunities to make things happen while I sleep. I am declaring to the Universe what matters to me and letting it line some magic up. I do not even bother doing this until I am clear on what I truly desire. I don't want noise on my Vision Board.
The people who have been writing all of 2024 are coming out of the darkness now, ready to make some magic with their books. My email has been stuffed with requests. I have never ended the year with so many inquiries. It is an exciting time!! If you feel called to publish your book in 2025, we should chat! I have opened my January calendar for free 15-minute calls, but they fill quickly.
Also, a reminder - because it matters - PROTECT YOURSELF!
For those of you considering writing a book and looking around at publishing options, I wrote a blog post about Publishing Scams.
Have a read. Protect yourself, your money and your intellectual property.
Current clients needing a consult call should email me directly so we can make it work outside of the times available on the calendar! Clients wishing to hold space in the production calendar can reach out to select dates and arrange for a deposit.
See ya next year!! Have the best last day of 2024! It has been a pleasure to have you along for the ride, and I am so proud of everyone on my list who have made changes in their lives in 2024. I am even prouder of those who found the year a struggle and are still putting one foot in front of the other. Baby steps will take you up a mountain too!
Happy New Year, friends! (Remember, I am entering my SPICY ERA tomorrow - Don't miss it!🌶️)
Jennifer Sparks, B.Ed., M.S., PGD
My personal development books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Some are also in hardcover and audio format. If you love these kinds of books, I invite you to select your marketplace below and take a look!
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JENNIFER SPARKS, Life Strategist + Speaker
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