Want to get great at something? Get a coach

Aug 07, 2024 8:15 pm

I just recently came across this Ted Talk by Atul Gawande. He's a surgeon and writes for The New Yorker.

In his talk, he shares how he reached a plateau on his path to becoming a better surgeon. He decided to think about this and pay someone to observe and critique him. It seemed absurd, but he decided to give it a try. He brought in his old professor to observe him during surgery. It went beautifully in his words, and he didn't think there would not be much to say when they were done. Instead, he had a whole page of notes.

"Did you notice that the your elbow goes up in the air every once and a while. That means that you are not in full control. A surgeon's elbows should be down at their sides resting comfortably. So that means if you feel your elbow going in the air, you should get a different instrument, or just move your feet."

After two months of coaching, he felt himself getting better again.

Even Michael Jordan had a coach. Do you have a coach? Have you leveled out? Are you improving? 

If you don't have a coach and would like one, reply to this message. We'll discuss where you are, where you want to be and how we can help. 


