Hello there! I’m excited you have shown interest in the Personal Finance Mastery Online Course which is focused on setting you on the path to building wealth and ultimately achieve financial freedom.


My name is Bunmie Ajayi and I am an Accountant with about a decade experience and a personal finance expert. I teach you how to be in control of your money and invest, so you can build wealth and achieve financial freedom.

My journey to financial freedom started in 2018 when I was out of job for 5 months and it dawned on me that I had no tangible investment after I had worked and earned a decent salary for 5 years.

As soon as I picked up another job, I was determined to make better decisions with my money. And that was the turning point for me!

Today, it is an entirely different story as I have built a portfolio of investments ranging from Mutual funds, Treasury bill, Dollar denominated investments, Stocks, Small businesses, Crowdfunding opportunities in Agro-tech & Real estate and still doing more on my journey to achieving financial freedom.

I have also helped a couple of my friends and colleagues achieve similar results with their money and I will love to help you too.

Now tell me, what’s your money story?

  • Do you want to make more money?
  • Do you want to build other streams of income and stop depending on just one source of income, but you are not sure how to get started?
  • Are you good with saving money, but you have no idea or just aren’t sure of how to grow it so you can generate more money?
  • Do you imagine a time when your money would be working for you while you do other things with your time rather than working for money?
  • Are you tired of not living an extravagant life yet you never seem to have any money left over at the end of the month?
  • Have you worked a couple of years but you cannot pinpoint anything tangible you have achieved with your income?
  • Do you feel achieving some of the important things in life are dependent on the income you earn and your current income cannot get you far, hence you need to grow your money but you just aren’t sure how to make that happen, and you’re frustrated – you really, really, really want to achieve more because you know “more” matters.

Where “MORE” may mean being able to resign your job when you want, sending your kids to a better school, changing your car, buying landed properties or simply living the life you desire to live.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. I sincerely understand your struggles because that was my story a few years ago, but I have been able to turn it around, to not just survive but to THRIVE!



The PERSONAL FINANCE MASTERY ONLINE COURSE is my solution to help you turn your finances around and change your money story.

You will get to learn the exact steps I took to move from a “broke” state to thriving with money.

Here is what you will learn;

  • Understanding the Concept of Wealth Building
  • Day to Day Cash Flow Management
  • Living a Debt-free Life
  • How to Effectively Manage Your Money
  • How To Draw your Financial Plan
  • Insurance & Risk Management
  • Investing & Growing Your Money For Lasting Wealth & more

This course is a 12 weeks, 6 module course with about 20 lessons. Each of the lessons comes in bit sizes that would help you to easily consume the information & achieve the desired result.

This course is worth N149,999 but You Will Get It Now @ ONLY N25,000.

Sign Up Now

In addition to this, you will also get:

  • Access to a Community of like-minded people like you who are on this learning journey to building wealth and financial freedom where you can interact, ask questions, share your struggles and also invest together.
  • You will have my full attention to provide answers to any question that you may have regarding making, managing & multiplying your money.
  • I will open up your mind to how you can generate more income for yourself.

  • Personal Finance Worksheets. To make the journey simple for you, you will get a working document you can work hands-on with, that not only instructs you on what to do, but can also be revisited and revised regularly as your life changes so that you stay on track and ultimately reach your financial goals.

  • Investment Opportunities within my network. I believe there is no point learning how to invest without taking action, hence I help you get started investing by sharing safe and reviewed investment opportunities with you that will generate more income for you.

Please note that i DO NOT invest for you, I will only share the available opportunities with you. It is solely your decision to take up the opportunities or not.

In this course, you will get the education, support and tools you need to be in control of your finances and invest so you can build wealth and get on your journey to financial freedom.

By the end of this course, you will walk away with a fully operating Personal Finance System; and a better grasp of your own money. You’ll plot your next steps towards financial freedom. 

Click Here To Register

This Course Is For You If You Are Determined To:

  • Make more money
  • Improve your financial situation
  • Build true and lasting wealth
  • Learn how to invest the smart way
  • Live a debt free life 
  • Create financial stability and a life of freedom for yourself and your entire family.  

The course will provide you with the knowledge, tools and opportunities to make all these happen, regardless of your current financial situation.

This Course Is NOT For You If:

  • You are not serious about creating other streams of income from your current income.
  • Please DO NOT ENROLL if you are out for get rich quick schemes.
  • Please don’t buy this course if you have no intention of taking responsibility for your financial future by taking action on your learning. 

I can show you how to strategically design your life for financial freedom, but I can't make you take action.

The last thing I want is for you to sign up for this course if you're not ready to apply the principles and produce useful results. Your success is what I live for, but you have to decide and be committed to make it happen. I can't do that for you.

My question to you is this:

Are you ready to plot your next steps towards financial freedom? Then I'll see you on the inside of the Personal Finance Mastery course!

Sign Up Here


Before I worked with Bunmie, I was only predisposed to treasury bills. Bunmie however taught me how to invest in other asset classes and build a diversified portfolio of investment.

Thank you for all your help.



Q: When will I get access to the Course?

Once you sign up, you'll gain access to the course on the 20th of September.

Q: Can I take the course from anywhere?

YES! You can participate in this course anywhere in the world.

Q: What do I need to access the content of the course?

You will need an internet enabled device (laptop or phone) to access the course.

Q: Will I be automatically rich as soon as I finish this course?

This is not a quick fix or get-rich-quick scheme, neither is it about multilevel marketing (MLM). - This is serious education for serious wealth builders. 

Q: For how long will I have access to the course?

You have 12 weeks access to the course.

Q: What if I have questions that are not covered here?

Please send an email to bunmi@bunmieajayi.com cc bunmi.eajayi@gmail.com

If you've read this far, then the time is probably right to get on the path to building wealth and ultimately be financially free.

SIGN UP NOW! so you can start creating the future you desire 

I will see you inside of the course!

However, if you are unable to join us this time, fill in your details below so you can be notified the next time the course goes live.

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