Peoplehood in Practice, Music of Indian Jewish Women, Jewish Africa

Hazaq uBarukh (Strength & Blessings) to HM King Mohammed VI on the 23rd anniversary of his ascension to the Kingdom of Moroccos Throne

The Sephardi World Weekly is made possible by Professor Rifka CookMaria Gabriela Borrego MedinaRachel AmarDeborah Arellano, and Distinguished ASF Vice President Gwen Zuares!

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🤝“Peoplehood in practice

By Nila Rosen, Lisa Armony, Ruben Shimonov, and Scott Lasensky, eJewishPhilanthropy


Hakhamim R’Albert Gabbai and R’Yamin Levy, Sephardi House’s Visionary Founder Joshua Benaim, Shayna Golda (Mikveh Israel’s Executive Director), Ruben Shimonov (ASF’s National Director of Sephardi House & Young Leadership), Jason Guberman (ASF’s Executive Director), and some of the 31 Sephardi House Fellows from the 1st and 2nd National Cohorts, Sephardi House’s 1st Shabbaton, Mikveh Israel: Synagogue of the American Revolution, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 13-15 May 2022 

Four Jewish “peoplehood professionals,” including Ruben Shimonov, the American Sephardi Federation’s National Director of Sephardi House and Young Leadership, share “case studies of programs we have helped design and implement” that advance the “mosaic model of Jewish peoplehood.” These programs turn to Judaism for inspiration and put the emphasis on practice. One case study: “On college campuses across North America, the American Sephardi Federation has piloted the Sephardi House Fellowship, a national learning and leadership development experience that seeks to infuse the wisdom, diversity, creativity and warmth of the Sephardic spirit into Jewish student life, while also advancing Jewish unity and pride.”

Feature: Ruby Daniel and the Music of Indian Jewish Women 🥻🎶


The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience’s Noble Women Series: Ruby Daniel 

The Noble Women Series explores the lives of Jewish women across Jewish history and geography. Narrated and produced by Dr. Drora Arussy, Director of the ASFs Institute of Jewish Experience, this weeks video feature, taken from that series, is an introduction to the rich life of Cochin-born Ruby Daniel. The first Indian Jewish woman to serve in the Indian navy and a long-time legal clerk, Ruby translated, documented, and laid the foundation for the preservation of Malayalam Jewish songs, even as she made Aliyah to Israel.

✡️Jewish Africa Conference in a Muslim Country” 

By Dalya Arussy Di VeroliTimes of Israel


Dalya Arussy Di Veroli (Content Manager, ASF Institute of Jewish Experience), moderating the “Jewish Life in South Africa and the Surrounding Region panel (featuring Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Rabbi Ruben Suiza, Andrea Barry, Chaim Motzen, Joseph Kalby, and Dr. David Fachler), 2nd Jewish Africa Conference, Policy Center for the New South, Rabat, Morocco. 

(Photo courtesy of Zakaria Siraj)

Dalya Arussy Di Veroli from the ASF’s Institute of Jewish Experience reflects on the second edition of the Jewish Africa Conference, recently held in Rabat, Morocco. Co-hosted by the American Sephardi Federation and Mimouna Association, a Moroccan-Muslim NGO, Arussy was deeply impressed by the desire of Moroccan Muslims not only to preserve but to viscerally connect to their country’s Jewish history and heritage: “[A]lthough I wouldn’t expect Morocco to return to having the same amount of Jews living there, the preservation efforts are not just for museum-like settings, they’re for living the history, living the culture. From Muslim-Jewish Andalusian music festivals in Essaouira to Jewish Africa Conferences, Moroccans, or at least the ones we met, are set on living their shared culture.



The American Sephardi Federation invites all individuals, communities, and organizations who share our vision & principles to join us in signing the American Sephardi Leadership Statement!

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Sephardi: Cooking the History. Recipes of the Jews of Spain and the Diaspora, from the 13th Century to Today

By Dr. Hélène Jawhara Piñer, a 2018 ASF Broome & Allen Fellow

In this extraordinary, award-winning and best-selling cookbook now in its 4th imprint, chef and scholar Hélène Jawhara-Piñer combines rich culinary history and Jewish heritage to serve up over fifty culturally significant recipes. Steeped in the history of the Sephardic Jews (Jews of Spain) and their diaspora, these recipes are expertly collected from such diverse sources as medieval cookbooks, Inquisition trials, medical treatises, poems, and literature. Original sources ranging from the thirteenth century onwards and written in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Occitan, Italian, and Hebrew, are here presented in English translation, bearing witness to the culinary diversity of the Sephardim, who brought their cuisine with them and kept it alive wherever they went. Jawhara-Piñer provides enlightening commentary for each recipe, revealing underlying societal issues from anti-Semitism to social order. In addition, the author provides several of her own recipes inspired by her research and academic studies.

Each creation and bite of the dishes herein are guaranteed to transport the reader to the most deeply moving and intriguing aspects of Jewish history. Jawhara-Piñer reminds us that eating is a way to commemorate the past.

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From Generation to Generation: a Legacy of Faith and Tolerance

By David S. Malka 

From Generation to Generation: a Legacy of Faith and Tolerance is dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Shlomo Malka. It honors his memory as a Jewish scholar, a spiritual leader, and a great humanitarian.

David S. Malka is publishing this text as his personal contribution to legacy of Malka family, in the hope that this generation will re-discover their patriarch's teaching and advance his message of faith and compassion on to the next generation. 

From Generation to Generation: a Legacy of Faith and Tolerance is a message of love, tolerance, and pride in one's heritage.

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Upcoming Events or Opportunities

ASF Broome & Allen & ADL Collaborative for Change Fellow Isaac de Castro presents:

Entre Diasporas: Telling the Latin-American Jewish story. Contando la historia judía latinoamericana


Tell your story. Cuenta tu historia.

We’re looking for first-generation Latino Jews in the United States who immigrated because of political and social turmoil. Jews of Sephardic descent from Colombia, Cuba, and Venezuela that now reside in the Miami area will be given priority, but others are welcome to apply as well.

Fill out this form to be considered as an interviewee for this project. After you’ve submitted, we will be in touch promptly to set up a preliminary phone call.

Click here for more information.

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