Party Poppers Happy Dance!

Mar 21, 2024 5:21 am


I've been doing little Party Poppers Happy Dances this week! You might have seen some of them on my Instagram or Facebook pages!

I am passionate about reducing party waste and I would love to help YOU continue to celebrate the people you love without the mountains of party rubbish and waste.

Want to find out how? Sign up today!

Click Here!

Our celebrations should be about connecting joyfully with the people we love, not feeling guilty as we watch the rubbish bin fill and overflow...

I created the Party Poppers Eco Party Course to help busy Mummas who love to celebrate their special people but feel super guilty about the amount of party rubbish and waste.

If you sign up to this first ever round of the Party Poppers Eco Party Course, you will be able to have your own biggest party peeves sorted out! The course content will be flexible so I can tailor it to solve your most hated party waste issues!

I am offering the Party Poppers Eco Party Course for only $49 AUD - that's less than the cost of all the party "stuff" you think you need (hint, you don't!)

Come and join us! Register now - just click the button below:

Register Now

Looking forward to helping more busy Mummas ditch the party guilt and celebrate their loved ones without costing out beautiful Earth.

Bye for now,


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