THREE HOURS until Registrations Close

Mar 22, 2024 6:01 am

Oh hey!

Just popping in to remind you that registrations for the first ever Party Poppers Eco Party Course close in three hours!

Register Here

I see you busy Mumma! Doing your best to give your family a sustainable lifestyle, yet it all seems to fly out the window come party time.... Overflowing rubbish bins; a sh*tload of disposable, single use items; piles of discarded food; plastic juice poppers that are WRAPPED IN PLASTIC - its enough to make you go AAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!!!

What if there was a different way to party? Still full of connection and fun but without the piles of rubbish and waste?

Let me show you how! Inside the Party Poppers Eco Party Course we will step through all aspects of a party and find sustainable swaps and eco solutions for common party waste problems.

I am offering the Party Poppers Eco Party Course for only $49 AUD - that's less than the cost of all the party "stuff" you think you need (hint, you don't!)

I can't wait to help you, but, doors close TODAY at 5pm AWST. Secure your spot now!

Sign Up Now

See you on the inside!


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