Everyone's a Winner!

Jun 30, 2024 7:28 am

Well hello there,

I hope this email finds you well! This week I am talking about party entertainment and specifically, party games!

Do you remember the old school party games we used to play? Musical chairs, blind man's bluff, scavenger hunt, musical statues, hide and seek... They were fun and silly and got all the kids moving.

Do you know what else all these games have in common? They are all low waste and eco friendly!! You can set up and play these games using only items you already have at your home. These games are a win-win-win. Why? They are a win for you, the party host, because they cost you zero. They are a win for the environment because they are zero impact. They are a win for the kids because ANYONE can play these games.

Do you like to have a few party games up your sleeve when hosting or are you happy to let the kids simply hang out and see how things go?

Be sure to follow Print Quirks over on Instagram for more old school party games info this week!

Catch you next time,


Print Quirks

"We can make a difference, together, one party at a time."
