The magical wonderland of op shops

Jul 08, 2024 12:02 am

Hi there,

Are you a fan of op shops? Charity shops? Thrift shops? Call them what you will, second hand shops are an absolute treasure trove!

The thing I love about having a poke around an op shop - you never know what you might unearth! The perfect pair of designer jeans for a bargain basement price. The unique knick knack that will set off your lounge room decor display perfectly. An UNOPENED kids game that someone didn't actually want in the first place.

Aaaaand, you can find all kinds of wonders for your next party or event. Extra cutlery - sure! A funky dip serving platter - no worries! Fabric offcuts in just the right colour theme to dress your party table - bingo! Display and decor items in your theme - gotcha covered!

I would recommend popping into your local op shops semi regularly as that perfect item might come along when you're least expecting it...

Do you trawl your local charity stores? What was your favourite EVER find? Hit reply and let me know today!



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