This is about to get messy...

Sep 15, 2024 2:10 am


I hope this email finds you well, I cannot believe we are halfway through September. You know what will sneak up next? Christmas! Oh yeah, you did just read that. Before you know it Christmas songs will be on repeat at all the shops and you'll be getting 2,341 emails per day offering SALES and DISCOUNTS and telling you to BUY NOW. Urgh, not looking forward to that bit of Christmas "cheer".

What is the perfect antithesis to all of this overwhelming consumerism being shoved down your throat? Take a step back and appreciate the joy in the simple things. When it comes to parties for little kids (and even engaging activities for your littles in general), bring out the messy play activities!

What is messy play? Messy play involves sensory experiences - think squishing, pouring, sifting, mixing, scooping, digging, muddying... You get the idea! When I think of simple messy play ideas - mudpies come to mind! Or mixing up nature "potions" with water, sand, flowers, leaves and little rocks.

Things that take a little more prep - adding ice blocks to the play experience or making a batch of Oobleck (a certain ratio of cornflour and water mixed together that makes a really interesting substance that shifts between solid and liquid states!). Messy play can be a fabulous party activity for little (and not so little) kids. Just be sure to let parents know you will be offering messy play stations at your party so spare clothes can be packed!

Do you embrace messy play or is it something you'd prefer your kids did elsewhere? Hit reply and tell me!

Until next time,


"Let's make a difference together, one party at a time."
