LIVE Launch Event: Wednesday 20 March

Mar 11, 2024 4:42 am


Happy Monday! For some of you in Australia, this might be a Monday off - lovely... Over here in Western Australia we had a Long Weekend last week. The week that followed contained a birthday for my youngest and the associated party on the weekend just gone.

I posted a few videos on Instagram showing some of the eco friendly party decor options we used. Yep, that's right, all of our party decorations were waste free! They included items that had been donated to us, items that we borrowed, items we store in our party box and reuse time after time, plus items that were repurposed and upcycled from existing things we already had at home.

None of these things are complicated or expensive :)

Would you love to know how to plan and host amazing parties that don't cost our beautiful Earth? Mark Wednesday 20 March in your diary! I'll be hosting a LIVE launch event on Instagram for my Party Poppers Eco Party Course. I'm super excited to be bringing this to life for the first time ever. Plus, if you join me as a course participant for this founding course run through, you will be able to help decide on the content for the course! I will be working with you to discover the things you hate MOST about parties, what kinds of things give you the MOST party rubbish guilt and finding solutions for those exact concerns.


Don't forget, Wednesday 20 March is the date of the Party Poppers Eco Course Live Launch Event on Instagram.

See you there!

Meanwhile, feel free to send me a reply telling me about what gives you the guilts about planning and hosting parties...

Chat soon,


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