Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

Aug 04, 2024 9:20 am

Hellooooo there!

Welcome to this weeks colourful email from Print Quirks! When you plan a party, are you a themed party kinda Mumma or more of a laidback party planner? Wherever you sit on the party theme spectrum, one way to easily bring your party together is by having a colour scheme theme.

What do I mean by this?

Well, instead of having a full blown theme party, choose your kiddo's favourite colour(s) and let that be the party "theme". There are so many options, this kind of theme can be great for any age. Some colour schemes that I have previously used are blue and silver, rainbow, pink and orange, blue and green.... Truly, the combinations are endless.

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What are your favourite colours? Would you use them for the next party you host?

Let's splash more colour in the world! In an environmentally friendly manner of course!

Bye for now,


Print Quirks

"Let's make a difference together, one party at a time."
