Ditching Party Guilt

Feb 26, 2024 12:00 am

Hey there,

Planning and hosting parties is a unique way of showing love to our special people. The tricky part is, if you also want to live as sustainably as possible, throwing a big party can send your eco guilt into over drive!!

Thing is, it doesn't have to be this way. For many years parties have been swamped with single use items (like plastic or paper cups and plates), cheap and flimsy decorations, a ridiculous amount of balloons (don't get me started) and food displays that put style over spoilage. It's enough to make you throw up a little on the inside...

Guess what? You don't have to put your eco values aside to throw an amazing party. I know, seems weird right? But its true! You can plan and host a great party that DOESN'T cost the Earth.

Wanna know how? Here's a secret - I am putting together something behind the scenes to help busy, eco conscious Mummas plan and host fabulous parties that are also kind to our planet. I want to help you ditch the party guilt and enjoy spoiling your special people.

Want in?

I'll be launching VERY soon, in the meantime, be sure to join my launch waitlist by clicking on the button below. Then you'll be sure to know when I launch! I can't wait to build a community of like minded Mummas and make a difference together, one party at a time!

Join the launch waitlist here:

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Chat soon,


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