Unsubscribe ,because it's time for a major change

May 11, 2023 12:04 pm

Hello Everyone,

Very soon by Sept 2023, I will be clocking in 6 years as a Coach, and as an Entrepreneur and my business Guide and Advice will then be 6 years old!

I'm quite emotional as I'm writing all this because 6 years ago, this was the same time I decided to quit corporate and be my own boss!

A Big Thank you

Before I write more, I would like to take this platform to thank each one of you for sharing an essential part of your life with me by choosing me as your Life Coach, while there are so many alternatives and million more Life coaches to choose from you all chose me :)

I can't thank you enough for it.

Since change is what is permanent, I've decided to make some major changes in my work

And you all are the first to learn about it

Major change 1 - Change in the Coaching Program ( Journey of Self) backed up the latest science-based tools.

Major change 2 - Change in the fee structure which now is drastically reduced and will only be per session in most cases

Major Change 3 - Complete shift in the platforms /software and CRM applications which are moving to a new one, currently in transition which will hold premium content.


This email goes out to several hundred people, but I find very few people actually responding to it, so going forward in the new system, a lot of the names may be dropped, this is for a more accurate analysis, which in turn helps me add more value and share premium content only with the interested subscribers

I also request you to Unsubscribe using the button given at the end of this email, because my intention is not to spam your inbox with my emails that you don't find of any use.

For any questions, feel free to hit reply and ask, I read all my emails.


Mehnaz Amjad
