
For close to a decade, my expertise in youth development has centered around helping young adults build clarity & harmony in their careers, relationships and lifestyle.

I know how difficult it can be to navigate some areas of life; especially relationships when things are mostly painted perfect and without flaws. You get to see the flowers, roses, rings, perfect pictures but rarely the in-betweens.

I’ve decided to be vulnerable in these 7 days to share the truth with you and how I have engaged the truth in my relationship and towards my marital union. The beautiful thing about the truth is that, it doesn’t change. It is timeless and ageless irrespective of trends, hash tags or polls. In today's busy, noisy and beclouded world, these mails will bring serenity, clarity and direction for you whether you are unmarried or about to get married or you're thinking about marriage or not.

See what I'll cover:

Day 1   Purpose before Passion

Day 2   Digging the Trenches

Day 3   Investments & Deposits

Day 4   The Process of Time

Day 5   What to do While Waiting

Day 6   When to Evolve

Day 7   Getting on the Highway

imageIf you’ve always desired to live a holistic life that is well-aligned to the essence of your being and purpose for living, then it’s no coincidence that our paths just crossed. This has been the essence of my being: raising young people, moulding minds.

For close to a decade, I have trained and coached more than 10,000 young people to become more purposeful and productive in career, lifestyle & relationships using my unique “SACK” method. My books, training & mentoring programs, podcast, coaching sessions and other resources on print & online media have been notable tools in remoulding thousands of minds across Africa, North America, Asia and Europe.

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[VERY IMPORTANT] You will receive a confirmation mail from me. Please click on the 'confirm' button. After confirmation, I'll send you a welcome email. After that, you can be sure to expect Day 1, the following day. This promises to be super amazing, I can't wait myself.

I'll see you on the other side.

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