Navigating Midlife Career Transitions: Motivations and Challenges of Changing Careers or Jobs During These Times

May 30, 2023 5:31 pm


Hello ,

Thank you so much for sending me questions that inspired me to do a 12-blog series on changing careers or jobs in midlife. I hope you enjoy this series and welcome any comments or feedback. 

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Yes, I'm asking you! If you are still unhappy with your career choice. If you're not, return to what you loved doing or imagine when you were a child. You may have buried that passion or interest because of circumstances or believed it was impossible. Then, when you review a glimpse of your past, you'll see what comes up.

Finding a job has always been intuitive and easy for me. I was always looking for the next opportunity and industry. Even now, in midlife, I still keep an eye open for opportunities and keep the door open because I want to be forever a free agent! Before becoming a Career Coach, I worked in so many industries and positions that my friends and family made fun of me, saying my resumé must be the size of a thick book.

I truly believe in career serendipity. For example, my ten years in staffing inspired me to work as a Transition and Career Coach, which encompasses what I enjoy the most about my profession as a recruiter, helping people develop their brand and their interview and negotiation skills. Since 2016, I have coached over 500 clients.

Job search, career change, or figuring out your next career move can be overwhelming. I like to take the overwhelm out of the equation and focus on the great self-discovery that will be with you for eternity. 

In our fast-paced and ever-evolving world, it's becoming increasingly common for individuals to consider midlife career transitions. Gone are the days when people would spend their entire professional lives in one job or industry. Nowadays, individuals seek new challenges, pursue their passions, and adapt to changing economic landscapes.

This blog post delves into the motivations and challenges of changing careers or jobs in midlife and reviews how these transitions have become more prevalent.

The Shifting Paradigm of Midlife Careers

In the past, society viewed midlife as a period of stability and a time to reap the rewards of years of hard work. However, societal and economic shifts have altered this perspective. Today, we consider midlife a time of self-reflection and exploration, and individuals are increasingly willing to take risks and make significant changes to find greater fulfillment and purpose in their careers.

Motivations for Midlife Career Transitions

  1. Seeking Purpose and Fulfillment: Many individuals reach a point in their lives where they question the purpose and meaning of their work. Instead, they desire more fulfilling careers that align with their values, passions, and personal growth.
  2. Adapting to Changing Industries: Technological advancements and globalization have disrupted traditional industries, leading to job insecurities. As a result, midlife professionals may transition to emerging fields or industries with greater stability and growth opportunities.
  3. Pursuing Unfulfilled Passions: Life experiences and personal growth can awaken dormant passions or talents. Midlife career transitions allow one to explore these passions and turn them into a rewarding vocation.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Midlife professionals often desire a better work-life balance to spend more time with family, pursue hobbies, or engage in activities that bring them joy and enhanced well-being.

Challenges of Midlife Career Transitions

  1. Financial Considerations: Changing careers or jobs in midlife may involve a temporary dip in income or require financial planning to bridge the gap during the transition period. Supporting dependents and managing existing financial obligations can complicate the decision-making process.
  2. Skill Gap and Relevance: Midlife career changers may face the challenge of acquiring new skills or updating existing ones to remain relevant in the job market. Bridging the skill gap through additional education, certifications, or professional development can be time-consuming and financially demanding.
  3. Overcoming Age Bias: Ageism can be a significant hurdle for midlife professionals seeking new opportunities. Employers may harbour misconceptions about older workers regarding their adaptability, flexibility, or ability to learn new skills. Navigating the job market and securing meaningful roles may require a proactive approach to networking within relevant communities.
  4. Emotional Resilience: Changing careers or jobs can be emotionally challenging, especially when it involves letting go of long-held identities or confronting the fear of the unknown. Midlife career transitions often require individuals to build emotional resilience, manage self-doubt, and navigate the emotional rollercoaster that comes with significant life changes.

Supporting Midlife Career Transitions

In recognition of the growing trend of midlife career transitions, various support systems have emerged to assist individuals in making successful changes:

  1. Career Coaching: Professional career coaches provide guidance, support, and practical strategies to navigate the complexities of midlife career transitions. They help individuals identify their strengths, explore new opportunities, and develop action plans to achieve their career goals.
  2. Skills Development Programs: Many educational institutions and online platforms offer targeted programs and courses to help midlife professionals acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. These programs often cater to flexible schedules and provide a supportive learning environment.
  3. Networking and Mentorship: Engaging with professional networks and seeking mentorship from individuals who have successfully transitioned careers can provide valuable insights, advice, and potential job opportunities.
  4. Personal Reflection and Self-Assessment: A thorough self-assessment to evaluate values, interests, and transferable skills, can help midlife professionals clarify their career goals and make informed decisions about future path choices.

Midlife career transitions have become increasingly common as individuals seek greater fulfillment, purpose, and adaptability in changing work dynamics.

If you're a midlife professional seeking a more fulfilling career path aligned with your values and desired lifestyle, understand why you want to make changes and address challenges with the help of support systems. These transitions offer personal and professional growth opportunities that reward you when you follow your passion. 

Are you considering a career change? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat.

You can also book a chat here 😊


Until next week,

I remain your sounding board.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

P.S. If you know somebody who would benefit from this information, please have them subscribe to my blog at, and they will get a free guide on acing their interview.
