The Chain Reaction of a Positive Attitude 😁

May 14, 2021 6:44 pm


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MY TOPIC THIS WEEK: The Chain Reaction of a Positive Attitude 🥰

Your mother says it, your teachers live it, your friends know it’s true, and so do your co-workers – there is no doubt that “positive energy brings positive results.” Having a positive attitude can have a chain reaction in the world. You don’t need to volunteer all your time or know the cure to cancer to make an impactful difference. All the world needs are more positivity and compassion.

Your smile can be enough to make someone's day brighter. Holding a door open for a stranger or saying thank you can make the difference between them having a bad or good day. That positivity can inspire people to be kind to others and change the world to be a better place for everyone.


Improved Health and Wellbeing

Dwelling on the negative aspects of life can make you sick. This can happen when your mind continually goes over what you did wrong, in turn increasing your cortisol levels. However, staying positive can reduce it. Cortisol is a hormone that increases your stress response, as well as triggers other symptoms. Stress can lead to many illnesses and depression, and anxiety.

Increased Happiness and Hope

When people are less stressed, productive, and feel valued, their happiness goes up. They become more hopeful of the world and want to continue to spread happiness and positivity. Increased happiness leads to improved health, productivity, life, and relationships with friends and family.

Positive Events and Outcomes

Spreading positivity can lead to festive events and outcomes that can change your society. It can lead to more local donations, volunteers, and overall compassion. Positivity is what brings the whole world together, even strangers. It’s what motivates each other to get along and work together to reduce pain and suffering in the world.

Improved and Increased Productivity

Less stress and increased happiness mean people know they are needed. Which ultimately leads to improved and increased productivity. Negative thoughts can cause people to dwell and dread doing things that lead to poor performance. Positivity, however, clears your brain and gets you inspired to want to do better and more for those who value you.

Ultimately, making the world a better place starts with positivity. Spread the positivity and make a difference in your life and others’ lives. Inspiring happiness, hope, and health through positivity can make the world a better place.


“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily

opportunities to make a positive impact.”

Les Brown is an American motivational speaker, author, former radio DJ,

and former television host. He was a member of the Ohio House of

Representatives from 1977 to 1981. As a motivational speaker, he uses the catchphrase "it's possible!" to encourage people to follow their dreams.

“A keystone habit leads to other positive habits and disciplines. These positive traits start a chain reaction that produces other positive outcomes. The presence of these important habits helps you become more faithful in other areas of your life. On the other hand, the absence of these key disciplines can impact you negatively.”

Craig Groeschel is an American minister, author and speaker who is the founder of Life Church.



Is your attitude creating a positive spark that creates positive thoughts, events and outcomes?

Until next week,

The team at Life in Balance Careers

Joanne Savoie-Malone, Approved & Certified Life in Balance Coach


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You are amazing! 🤗
