Navigating Midlife: Exploring the Intersection of Career, Menopause, Menopause & Hormones, and Legacy

Aug 17, 2023 8:29 pm


Dear ,

Midlife is a transformative phase that encompasses a range of experiences and challenges, from career transitions and hormonal changes to reevaluating one’s legacy. While these topics might seem unrelated, they are intricately connected, influencing each other profoundly. Viewing career, human behaviour personality assessment, menopause and hormones, and legacy as interconnected aspects of midlife can provide a holistic perspective that empowers women to navigate this phase with grace and purpose.

I created a three-month program to explore and celebrate this empowering time of life and career beginning on September 20th, entitled Embrace & Empower: Career Fulfillment, Menopause, and Midlife.


1. Career Evolution: Embracing Change

As we journey through life, our careers often undergo shifts and changes. These changes can stem from personal growth, shifting priorities, or external circumstances. If you have children, they are now on their own and do not appear to need you anymore. While that might sound liberating, some must know how to redefine themselves. Midlife marks a time when many of us begin to reassess our career paths, seeking alignment with evolving values and aspirations. This self-reflection is crucial for finding fulfillment and maintaining a sense of purpose, and with guidance and the proper tools, we can undertake this reassessment confidently.

2. Human Behaviour Personality Assessment: Understanding Yourself and Others

DISC is a popular personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into four main personality types: Direct, Inspiring, Service, and Cautious. Midlife is an opportune time to get to know yourself better as a Midlifers to understand one’s DISC profile, as it provides insights into communication styles, interpersonal dynamics, and work preferences. This self-awareness aids in navigating professional relationships and fosters personal growth. It also helps you better understand yourself and others, increase your effectiveness with your team at work, and deepen engagement with your friends and family.

3. Menopause and Hormonal Shifts: Embracing Change

Menopause is a natural biological transition experience for women in midlife, leading to hormonal fluctuations and physical changes. These changes can impact mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. Acknowledging the influence of hormonal shifts on emotions and decision-making is crucial for making informed choices about personal and professional matters. Women have been suffering in silence for way too long. Understanding your symptoms is essential to equip you with the right tools and have the right conversations with your doctor, practitioner, or health advisor. For example, conflicting information includes evidence that earlier studies have misguided women and doctors. Numerous observational studies suggest that HRT (hormone replacement therapy) has various benefits regarding the treatment of menopausal symptoms and also in the prevention of chronic diseases. Take the time to study current research and ask questions. 

4. Legacy and Impact: Leaving a Lasting Imprint

Considering one’s legacy becomes more pronounced during midlife. People begin to ponder the impact they want to have on the world and future generations. Legacy encompasses material wealth and values, knowledge, and wisdom people share with others to live on after death. Integrating this consideration into career decisions and daily actions can infuse a sense of direction and purpose.

The Interconnectedness and Why It Matters

At first glance, these elements may appear distinct, but they share a common thread: the journey through midlife. Reengaging with who you are, where you are at. Recognizing the interconnectedness can have several profound implications, including:

1. Holistic Decision-Making: Approaching midlife with a holistic perspective allows individuals to make decisions that align with their evolving career goals, personality traits, and physical well-being. By considering these facets together, one can make choices contributing to overall life satisfaction.

2. Effective Communication: Understanding one’s behaviour and the profiles of colleagues or loved one's aids in effective communication. This skill becomes essential as midlife often involves collaborating with diverse groups, including all generations, and addressing complex interpersonal dynamics.

3. Health and Well-being: Acknowledging the influence of hormonal changes (for both men and women) on emotions and decision-making can lead to more compassionate self-care practices. Prioritizing physical and mental health supports a smoother transition through midlife challenges.

4. Legacy Planning: Integrating legacy considerations into career decisions ensures that one’s actions align with the desire to leave a meaningful impact. This perspective shift can guide individuals toward purpose-driven choices.


Midlife is a multifaceted journey encompassing career transitions and satisfaction, personality exploration, hormonal shifts, and legacy considerations. Embracing the interconnectedness of these aspects can lead to a more fulfilling and intentional life. By viewing these elements as a cohesive whole, individuals can navigate midlife with self-awareness, empathy, and a renewed sense of purpose. It’s an opportunity to grow, evolve, and leave a positive imprint on personal and professional spheres.

Have you struggled to find fulfillment in your career during midlife and menopause? Then my three-month program is for you.

EVERY Wednesday from 7 pm to 8 pm Eastern time starting on SEPT 20th, my three-month program will empower you with career fulfillment and how to conquer menopause and define your legacy!

Click here for more details about the three-month program. Or reply to this email if you have any questions. 

As a token of my gratitude for subscribing to my mailing list, I’m giving all newsletter subscribers $200 OFF when you use code EMPOWER23 at checkout for my three-month program on changing careers in midlife and the challenges of menopause.

Are you considering a career change? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat. You can also book a chat here 😊

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

P.S. If you know somebody who would benefit from this information, please have them subscribe to my newsletter and get a free magazine on menopause at
