Several Wonderful Ways to a Balanced Life ⚖️

Mar 23, 2021 6:00 pm

Hello ,

Today I thought I would share some resources with you. The ultimate fulfillment would be to have all our dreams come true. Thriving for a balanced life is key to living a fulfilling life, and it can be done, even in these challenging times.

Here are things I’ve been reading, listening to and thinking about regarding my wheel of life that I thought might inspire you.  

The wheel of life has different versions on the internet. Below I have identified six categories.  


Book:  The 20-Minute Networking Meeting - Learn to network to get a job

An excellent book on networking written by Marcia Ballinger Ph.D. and Nathan A. Perez.  Applying for opportunities online can be a soul crusher.  This book will give you the tools to find the hidden job market, especially during COVID.  More than ever, people are online.  You can use these tips and connect with people by phone or a ZOOM call.



Article: Better Homes & Gardens:  A Beginner Vegetable Gardener

Are you looking for ideas for family activities?  How about starting a garden?  I’ve never gardened before, and this article has inspired me to get started this spring possibly.



Video: YouTube on Marie TV - 3 Painless Habits That build Wealth with David Bach’s “Latte Factor”:

Check out this interview with David Back, the author of 13 books on finance.  If money is an area of your life you want to get better at, you have to listen to this interview.  I just bought his latest book, “The Latte Factor”, and can’t wait to start reading it.


App in Apple Store and Google store:  I recently recommended this app to a teenager, and she loves it, and she’s only using the free version.  So if you have a teenager at home, this would be an excellent app to talk about and have a conversation. 🦋

We need to take care of our mind as it has become more fragile during the pandemic.  ME TIME is more important than ever.


TikTok:  There are several Home Chair Workouts on this platform.

YouTube:  9-minute HIIT Workout For Beginners to Start Your Fitness Journey

Nine minutes!  Now that’s my type of workout. 🤗



Are you tired of social distancing?  Staying home wishing this thing was over?  

The best way to get out of your misery is to reach out to someone and have a telephone conversation, or if you’re not ZOOM tired, a video call.  👨‍👩‍👦‍👦  Some people I know have discovered the telephone again and have been enjoying the simplicity of doing that. 

I hope you enjoyed my list.  What resources have you been using to create balance in your life?  Hit reply and tell me about it; I would love to hear how you are coping.

Wishing you a balanced day,

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Chief Energy Officer
