Exploring Your Career: Assess, Reflect, and Rebrand for Success

Sep 07, 2023 8:50 pm


Hello ,

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing job market, taking a step back and thoroughly exploring your career is essential. Whether you’re starting your career journey, feeling stuck in your current role, or simply wanting to ensure you’re on the right path, the first part of my three-month program will help you navigate the complex world of career development. I created this program with a workbook and tried-and-true methods with my clients, in which we delve into three key areas: 

  • Assessing your career satisfaction and adaptability
  • Reflecting on your personal goals, values, and passions
  • Reevaluating your brand for career fulfillment

Catherine's Career Renaissance: A Midlife Journey

Catherine, an academic at heart with a wealth of knowledge and a proven record of success, had reached a career plateau. After leading teams and tackling complex research and projects, in midlife, she felt lost and unsure of her next move. Retirement didn’t feel right, but she doubted her employability, believing she was too old in her late 50s.

In her moment of doubt, Catherine sought my help, feeling defeated and uncertain about her worth in the job market. She confided, “Who would hire me now?” She even considered positions far beneath her skills.

Catherine’s transformation began with a change in mindset and internal reflection. She documented her accomplishments and rediscovered her true career desires. Gradually, her confidence soared, and she stopped settling for less. Catherine confidently pursued opportunities that matched her passion, ambitions, and expertise.

In our last meeting, I witnessed her energy radiating with newfound confidence, and she acknowledged that I had given her wings—allowing her to soar to new heights in her career and job search.

Catherine’s story reminds us that it’s never too late to rediscover our passions and reignite our careers. With the right tools, mindset, and guidance, we can navigate midlife complexities and confidently pursue our dreams. Catherine’s journey proves that we can write the best chapters of our careers at any age.

Assessing Your Career Satisfaction and Adaptability

Career Satisfaction Assessment

The first step in exploring your career is to assess your current career satisfaction. Are you happy with your job? Do you find meaning in your work? Are there any challenges or obstacles holding you back? Are you looking for a change? Taking a moment to evaluate your career satisfaction honestly can provide valuable insights into your next steps. 

   – Adaptation vs. Transition. Once you’ve identified areas of dissatisfaction, it’s time to decide whether adaptation or transition is the best course of action. Adaptation involves making small changes or adjustments within your current role or industry to improve your satisfaction. Conversely, the transition may involve a more significant shift, such as changing careers entirely. The choice between adaptation and transition depends on your circumstances, passions and goals.

Reflection on Personal Goals, Values, and Passions

To embark on a meaningful career journey, you must align your work with your personal goals, values, and passions. Here’s how you can do it:

   – The Passion Test. One effective way to identify your passions is by taking the Passion Test. This simple yet powerful exercise helps you prioritize your top passions and align your career choices by assessing how well your current job or career path supports them. This reflection can help you make informed decisions about your career direction.

Discovering Transferable Skills, Accomplishments, and Career Options

Human Behaviour Assessment

The DISC Assessment: Understanding human behaviour is crucial in both personal and professional life. The DISC assessment is a fun and enlightening tool that categorizes individuals into four main behavioural styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. 

   – The six-page DISC Report provides detailed insights into your behavioural style, communication preferences, and how you interact with others. It can be a game changer in improving your relationships, leadership skills, and workplace interactions. By knowing your style and recognizing the styles of others, you can enhance your teamwork and collaboration.

Transferable Skills and Accomplishments. When exploring your career options, it’s vital to recognize your transferable skills. Often acquired in one job or context, you can effectively apply these skills in other roles or industries. More and more companies are looking at transferable skills with the constant change in the labour market and the future of work. Additionally, reflecting on your past accomplishments can boost your confidence and help you identify areas where you excel. 

   – Career Options Exploration. With knowledge of your transferable skills and accomplishments, you can explore various career options that align with your passions and values—research industries, job roles, and organizations to identify potential paths that resonate with your aspirations.

Reevaluating Your Brand: Discover Your Unique Strengths and Values for Career Fulfillment

Understanding Personal Branding. Personal branding is about defining and promoting your unique personal and professional identity. It involves showcasing your strengths, values, and expertise to stand out in the job market on your resume and online presence, like LinkedIn.

Self-reflection and Values Clarification. To create a compelling personal brand, we review your transferable skills and accomplishments that you reflected upon. What are your core values? What sets you apart from others? What strengths make you an asset in your field? Clarifying these aspects creates the foundation for your brand. 

Crafting Your Brand Statement. Write a concise, powerful message encapsulating who you are and what you bring to the table. It should resonate with your values and passions, while highlighting your unique skills and accomplishments. Together, we craft a compelling brand statement to communicate your value to potential employers or clients.

Career Satisfaction and Self-Leadership. As you reevaluate your personal brand, consider how it aligns with your career satisfaction and self-leadership. Are you taking charge of your career path? Are you making choices that align with your brand? Self-leadership involves actively shaping your career trajectory to reflect your authentic self.


Exploring your career is a journey of self-discovery and growth, even in midlife. It’s more than finding a job; it’s about aligning your work with your passions, values, and strengths to achieve career fulfillment. This program takes you through the essential assessment, reflection, and rebranding steps to help you make informed decisions and confidently navigate your career. Remember that career exploration is an ongoing process, and as you evolve, so will your career path. Embrace change, stay true to your values, and continue exploring the endless possibilities in the world of work.

Are you struggling with low energy, lack of motivation, and uncertain of your worth in the current market? Are you feeling defeated like Catherine? Then, my three-month program is for you, and it will re-energize your energy and passions.

Here's a glimpse of the program:

EVERY Wednesday from 7 pm to 8 pm Eastern time starting on SEPT 20th, my three-month program will empower you:

  1. This part will be the bulk of the program on Career strategies and how to find fulfillment in adapting or transitioning, and a guest speaker will give a 15-minute talk on Self-leadership and the Passion Test.
  2. Then, the next two weeks will be on "How to conquer menopause in the workplace"; a guest speaker will give a 15-minute talk on nutrition.
  3. Then, we will wrap the whole thing with "How do you define your legacy?" A guest speaker will give a 15-minute talk on how creating a legacy in midlife can be a meaningful and fulfilling endeavour. A legacy is not just about leaving behind material wealth; it's also about the impact you make on your community, family, and the world.

Click here for more details about the three-month program. Or reply to this email if you have any questions. 

As a token of my gratitude for subscribing to my mailing list, I’m giving all newsletter subscribers $200 OFF when you use code EMPOWER23 at checkout for my three-month program on redefining careers in midlife and the challenges of menopause.

Do you feel stuck in your career? Just reply to this email if you would like to chat. You can also book a time with me here 😊

Until next week,image

Be at peace, just where you are.

Joanne Savoie-Malone

Founder of Power Play Career

P.S. If you know somebody who would benefit from this information, please have them subscribe to my newsletter and get a free magazine on menopause at www.joannesavoiemalone.com
