Join my Free Workshop and Put on Your Best Shoes!

Jun 12, 2023 8:34 pm

Hello !

Do you know the ancient proverb about the shoemaker who always wore the worst shoes? Well, let's bring that tale to life.

Imagine a dedicated shoemaker so immersed in his craft that he unintentionally neglected his own family, leaving them without shoes. That's a classic example of how we often prioritize everything and everyone else before ourselves. But fear not, my friend, because I'm here to remind you about the importance of self-care and self-awareness!

Life is a whirlwind of busyness, and sometimes we find ourselves unprepared for important opportunities like interviews, networking events, or meeting new people. While a few might boldly claim, "I've got this!" – and kudos to them – most of us tend to shy away, saying, "I don't know how to sell myself," "Talking about myself feels awkward," or "I'll just wing it."

Trust me; you're not alone!

But fear not, for I have a solution that will help you stand out from the crowd in this ever-evolving and competitive world. It's as simple as understanding yourself – your unique qualities, and what sets you apart. Discovering your shining strengths is the secret to stepping into the limelight!

In this digital age, having a consistent and compelling personal brand is crucial. Your brand is like the image and reputation you project to the world, showcasing your values, skills, and expertise. So why not invest some time to polish up your personal brand and have the best shoes in the room?

That's why I'm thrilled to invite you to our free workshop on June 28th at 12:00 pm. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and have a blast with like-minded individuals. Together, we'll dive into the art of personal branding, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, and so much more. You won't want to miss it!

Reserve your spot now by registering here. It's time to put on your best shoes, walk confidently, and let your unique sparkle shine. If you know someone that would be interested, forward them the email.

Looking forward to seeing you there, ready to rock your personal brand!

Warm regards,

Joanne Savoie-Malone
