Ways to Find Courage in Yourself 💪🏻

Apr 23, 2021 8:01 pm


Evidence-based self-improvement tips to help you achieve your goals in life

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MY TOPIC THIS WEEK: Ways to Find Courage in Yourself

Courage is more than just having confidence or getting rid of fear. It's about doing what is needed despite the fear. Courage is an essential quality to develop if you want to build a successful career, business, and have a fabulous relationship with friends and family. Ready to get started? Here are ways you can begin finding the courage within yourself.


Identify What Is Holding You Back

Ask yourself bold and honest questions to discover what is holding you back. Why do you feel like you need to find more courage? Are there people or situations causing you to be fearful? Is it your lack of skills or knowledge? What are your fears and why do you fear these things? When you can identify the exact cause, you can create a solution.

Experience More

Expand your comfort zone. What this means is you need to experience more life outside of things that you know. It’s normal to keep doing things that bring you joy or comfort. But the more you experience, the more you will understand other perspectives. Even if something seems scary on the surface, it's often only due to a lack of experience. When you challenge yourself, it will allow you to experience your strength and courage.

Learn Forgiveness

You must expect that you will fail or make a mistake at some point in your life. No one can get through life without it. Mistakes provide you with a chance to improve or discover new passions or hobbies. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself. Identify where you can improve but don’t harp or dwell on it without using the information to improve yourself.

What Advice Would You Give Friends?

Take a moment to put yourself in your friend's shoes. If they were to come to you about this concern, what advice would you give them? It is likely because you care for your friend so much you won’t see them as anything but courageous why be harsher with yourself? Keep this in mind anytime you don’t believe in yourself.

Play It Out and Practice

If certain events or situations prevent you from truly being yourself, a great way to get over this is to practice or play it out. For example, if you want more courage to ask your boss for a raise, act out the conversation you plan to have with your boss. Look at yourself in the mirror and practice assertive communication.

In the end, if you want to find more courage within yourself, you must act. Courage is no different than any other skill. If you ignore it or choose not to work on it, it will be harder to find and maintain.


“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than

you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”

- Roy T. Bennett is the author of The Light in the Heart. He loves sharing positive thoughts and creative insight that has helped countless people to live a successful and fulfilling life. He hopes that his writing will help you

become what you are capable of becoming.

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your

demons will cause your angels to sing.”

- August Wilson was an American playwright. He has been referred to as

the "theatre's poet of Black America". He is best known for a series of ten

plays collectively called The Pittsburgh Cycle, which chronicles the

experiences and heritage of the African-American community in the 20th


Source: goodreads.com/www.pbs.org


Do you have what it takes to stand when others can’t or won’t?

Can you say “NO” when you need to despite others prompting you to always say “YES”?

Until next week,

The team at Life in Balance Careers

Joanne Savoie-Malone, Approved & Certified Life in Balance Coach



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You are amazing! đź¤—
