FREE Podcast Training

Are you tired of letting dumb excuses stop you from starting your podcast?

Hi! I'm Moses, and I'm a Podcaster.

If you were to tell me three years ago that this would be the title I'd use when introducing myself, I would've said you were crazy, no...insane!

But here I am, in the middle of 2024, with a Top 10 Podcast in the Black Entrepreneurship space, talking with inventors, award-winning musicians, best-selling authors, and a billionaire (like I said...insane!).


But all of this wouldn't have happened had I not taken the first step...

If I kept making excuses...

If I kept telling myself, "Tomorrow, I'll do it.... After this podcast tutorial, I'll finally launch it."

And trust me...

If there was anyone worthy of an was me.

--A full load of classes most semesters (including labs)

--Responsibilities as an officer in my university's Black Student Union (meetings and events were often late)

--Work on my family’s ranch (milking cows every morning and other chores)

--A job as a Theology tutor (which took up my study time for critical essays and exams)

And yes,

I also spent time mindlessly scrolling through YouTube shorts and Facebook posts, which I still do sometimes.

But here's the secret...

I didn't set out to have a Top 10 podcast when I started...

I just sat down, hit record, and started talking.

That's it!

And if I can do can you.

Which is why I want to help you start your own podcast with my Live FREE Training this WEDNESDAY!


Why should YOU take part in this TRAINING?

Learn What Works

You’ll uncover the secrets to engaging storytelling, mastering audio production, and building an audience that stays hooked. These tips will help you create a podcast that your audience will love.

Hands-On Application

This isn’t just about theory. You’ll get practical exercises and step-by-step guidance. From refining your show concept to recording and editing your first episode, you’ll gain valuable experience every step of the way.

Accelerate Your Launch

Why waste time figuring things out alone? This training speeds up your progress, saving you hours of trial and error. You'll get your podcast up and running efficiently, giving you the best chance to attract an enthusiastic audience from day one.

Are you ready to embark on this exciting podcasting journey...?

Or are you content watching content BUT not making it?

Enroll in the LIVE FREE TRAINING this WEDNESDAY and create your podcast today!

Sign up now and secure your access to the training.

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