Conscious Culture 64: Get Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable
Mar 23, 2022 11:10 pm
Get Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable
Welcome to Conscious Culture, a weekly newsletter full of interesting reads for curious, intelligent people who want to sharpen their minds
Hi everyone,
Thank you for being here.
I hope you’re having a great week.
The software engineering immersive is finally over! It ended last week. My final project was Conscious Culture Reads. It’s a web app that also you cycle through all the articles I have shared in the newsletter. You have the ability to bookmark, favorite, and create personal notes on the articles you read. I’ve some more things I want to do before I share the app with you, but I’m excited about it.
For the past two days, I’ve been rebuilding my personal blog. I used Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Contentful, a headless CMS, for the blog content. I have to admit I’m in love with Next.js. It’s such a game-changer SEO wise. When I run my website through Google page speed insights, it’s all green. My WordPress blog was nowhere near this level of optimization. I’m definitely recommending Next.js as the framework to use to all my SEO friends.
Now it’s time to start looking for a job.
This week's newsletter explores:
- Getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable
- 3 keys to evolving as a lifelong learner
- How to survive in a world of information overload
- How to start writing online
Feel free to hit reply and let me know what you think.
Interesting Reads
Get Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable ”Moderate emotional discomfort is a signal that you’re developing as a person, and it often happens before you can detect the benefits of self-growth.”
3 Keys to Evolving as a Lifelong Learner
“One strategy to unlearning is to embrace the mindset of continuous improvement. In our ever-changing world, the way we learn needs to continuously adapt to leverage new possibilities, not because we aren’t good enough but because we have even more opportunities to be better.”
How to Survive in a World of Information Overload
“Mastering information consumption starts with determining your values, then turning your values into time. Values are attributes of the person we want to be. Values such as honesty, integrity, self-reliance, and kindness are traits you want to embody rather than something you want to have, like money or social status. If it can be taken away from you, it’s not a value.”
How To Start Writing Online: The Ship 30 for 30 Ultimate Guide
“These are the fundamental principles and frameworks for writing online and becoming a writer in the digital age.”
Tools and Resources
“Online video education platform /Best lectures of all time. Browse more than 50,000 free-for-all videos lectures. Start your learning journey now!”
“Revisio schedules your revision, suggests questions and resources and lets you compete against your friends. It takes away the stress of revision, so you can ace your exams."
Fun Stuff
“ClassicReload was setup for preservation of 6,000+ old retro abandonware games and abandoned OS/interfaces that you can play DOS games online right in your web browser for education and research purposes.”
Quote of the Week
"There is a very fine line between success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference."
— Andrew Lloyd Webber
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Also, if you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way! I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.
With gratitude,