Conscious Culture 72: Betting on Unknown Unknowns

Sep 07, 2022 11:26 pm


Betting on Unknown Unknowns

Welcome to Conscious Culture, a newsletter full of interesting reads for curious, intelligent people who want to sharpen their minds.

Hi everyone,

Thank you for being here this week.

This week's newsletter explores:

  • The science of a wandering mind
  • Why you should learn to market stuff
  • Betting on unknown unknowns

Feel free to hit reply and let me know what you think.

Interesting Reads

The Science of a Wandering Mind

"More than just a distraction, mind-wandering (and its cousin, daydreaming) may help us prepare for the future."

Why You Should Learn to Market Stuff (including yourself)

"At some point, everyone is a salesperson of some sort. Marketers sell products. A politician sells policies. An influencer sells a lifestyle."

Betting on Unknown Unknowns

"Making long-term predictions about the future which are grounded in reality will often lead you to be wrong. The world is not an automaton which continues deterministically based on current realities. Betting against invention and innovation has, on the whole, turned out to be a bad bet over the course of human history.​"


Seeing Theory

"A visual introduction to probability and statistics."

Digital Dante

"Digital Dante offers original research and ideas on Dante: on his thoughts and work and on various aspects of his reception."

Tools and Resources


"Upstract lets you read the entire internet on a single page by curating headlines and links from popular websites like Reddit, Google News, NY Times, and more."

Fun Stuff

Recommend Me a Book

"Read the first page without judging the cover. If you're hooked, click the reveal button to find out more."

Quote of the Week

"Self-esteem comes from what you think of you, not what other people think of you."

– Gloria Gaynor


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Also, if you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way! I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.

With gratitude,

