The Cook Up 011: Out Of Africa Hypothesis

Feb 25, 2021 4:36 am


Out Of Africa Hypothesis

Welcome to the Cook Up, a weekly newsletter full of interesting reads for curious, intelligent people who want to sharpen their minds

What's up Everyone,

Greetings from Brooklyn.

The best thing I think I wrote last week: How Technology and Algorithms Are Keeping You in a Box. The article explains how companies like Netflix, Instagram, TikTok use confirmation bias to keep you on their platform.

We commit confirmation bias when we seek out information that supports our current views, and beliefs while disregarding anything information saying we're wrong.

Technology companies use algorithms to show you content that supports your views, and this keeps you on their platform. Confirmation bias can be dangerous because it will cause you to become complacent in your views.

The best way to go against your tendency of committing confirmation bias is to be open-minded and look for information that argues against what you believe.

With that out of the way let's get into this week's newsletter.

This week I'm presenting research that confirms the Origins Out Of Africa hypothesis, why we buy things we don't need, sending my name to Mars, and the power of walking.

Feel free to hit reply and share what you liked, or disliked.

Let's start cooking!

Interesting Reads

New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

“New research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years.”

The Diderot Effect: Why We Buy Things We Don’t Need

“Did you really need everything you bought? Except if you are one of the most extreme minimalists out there, the answer is likely to be: probably not.

Even so, we keep on buying new products, upgrading to the latest version, and filling our lives with possessions we don’t need. That’s the Diderot Effect at play: a tendency to over-consume, mostly caused by our natural need for betterment.”

Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Walk

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a single bout of moderate-to-vigorous activity (including walking) can improve our sleep, thinking, and learning, while reducing symptoms of anxiety.”

The Surprising Power of The Long Game

“Most people play the short game. Playing the long game offers an advantage. At first, the tiny differences are barely noticeable. It’s only when you look back do you see the massive difference in outcomes.”


Your Guide to the Drone Age

“Drones are a staple of sci-fi and futurist folklore, but here we’ll look at real-world developments and milestones. Like many emerging technologies, the military-industrial complex initially developed drones. The upshot: The technology has since proliferated across the commercial and consumer chasms, especially in the last decade.”

Tools and Resources

Talk to Books

“Talk to Books is a new way to explore ideas and discover books. Make a statement or ask a question to browse passages from books using experimental AI.”

Learning SEO — A Roadmap to Learn SEO with Free Resources

A Roadmap and resources to start learning or expanding your SEO learning process.

Fun Stuff

Send Your Name to Mars

“Send Your Name to Mars on a future NASA mission to Mars.”

100 Questions to Spark Conversation & Connection

“Here are 100+ questions to ask your friends, family, and dinner companions.

Questions to spark stories, draw out a few secrets, trigger a few belly laughs… and hopefully, help you to feel more deeply connected to the people you love.”

Quote of the Week

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Also, if you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way! I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.

With gratitude,

