Conscious Culture 62: Reality Has a Surprising Amount of Detail

Feb 24, 2022 12:48 am


Reality Has a Surprising Amount of Detail

Welcome to Conscious Culture, a weekly newsletter full of interesting reads for curious, intelligent people who want to sharpen their minds

Hi everyone,

Thank you for being here.

I hope you’re having a great week.

My absence last week was due to another project for the software engineering immersive. The team stayed late every night to finish the work, so I didn't send out a newsletter. Everything turned out great with the project. I'm really excited about it.

We made a travel blog.

Here's a link if you want to check it out:

Nomad Atlas

We are nearing the end of the software engineering immersive as well, with two weeks on React, and two on a capstone project. My experience so far has been amazing, and I've made a lot of friends. The time has flown by.

This week's newsletter explores:

  • Details in reality
  • Becoming better at making decisions
  • Putting ideas into words
  • Excelling in tech without learning how to code

Feel free to hit reply and let me know what you think.

Interesting Reads

Reality Has a Surprising Amount of Detail

“This means it’s really easy to get stuck. Stuck in your current way of seeing and thinking about things. Frames are made out of the details that seem important to you. The important details you haven’t noticed are invisible to you, and the details you have noticed seem completely obvious and you see right through them. This all makes it difficult to imagine how you could be missing something important.”

How to Get Better at Making Every Type of Decision

“Decision-making “is made harder when we have more choices, and that can feel overwhelming,” Milkman says. “It can be hard to actually do the work necessary to cut through the noise and get to the information when we have a large number of choices to make. It’s that much more exhausting.”

How to Excel in Tech Without Learning to Code

“Technical literacy is key to career success, even for non-engineers. Learn how to master the tools of your trade and build a solid tech foundation.”

Putting Ideas into Words

“Writing about something, even something you know well, usually shows you that you didn't know it as well as you thought. Putting ideas into words is a severe test. The first words you choose are usually wrong; you have to rewrite sentences over and over to get them exactly right.”


Free Product Design Course

“Learn product design for free. We have created a learning path so that even if you have no experience, you can learn on your own, studying all the proposed resources to get into your dream job.”

Tools and Resources

iFixit: The Free Repair Manual

“iFixit is a global community of people helping each other repair things. Fix your Apple and Android devices—and buy all the parts and tools needed for your DIY repair projects.”

“7 million locations, 53 languages, synchronized with atomic clock time.”

Fun Stuff

Time vault

“Don't let your memories fade with time... Write a memo and let us send it back to you when the time comes”

Dinosaur Game

“Looking to play the Chrome dino game? You've come to the right place. Works in any browser (including on mobile). Time to make that T-Rex jump.”

Quote of the Week

"Enjoy every minute of life. Never second-guess life."

— Michael Jordan


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Also, if you come across anything interesting this week, send it my way! I love finding new things to read through members of this newsletter.

With gratitude,

