Sharecropping in the digital age? Here's a repurposing lesson I learned!

Nov 20, 2023 3:01 pm

Hey ,

Imagine having a lively conversation with friends in a stranger's yard. They know you're there but can't quite see or hear you clearly. Eventually, they step outside and politely ask you to relocate—a simple request to respect their property, nothing personal. It's easier to grasp this situation when face-to-face, right?


Here's a link to this weeks LinkedIn newsletter!

Now, let's transport that conversation to the digital realm—a platform you don't own (akin to that stranger's yard). The discussion remains unlisted (essentially whispers in the digital space). Suddenly, a warning strike arrives, signaling that the platform doesn't want that content there.

The next time you gather in that same 'yard,' the content gets removed, deemed inappropriate for their platform.

So, where do you go next?

It's a similar scenario we faced this week with our newsletter. While our video wasn't accepted on one platform, it found a home in our newsletter, exclusive for Talk Virtual & the Virtual Summiteers.

Join us as we navigate these digital landscapes, adapting and finding new spaces to connect and share. Embrace being a part of our Talk Virtual community and consider becoming a Virtual Summiteers Peer Group member!

enjoy the newsletter &

*Keep Moving Forward!

Ericka Bates
